This i so good, I could see Colombo scratching his head the way he did, right when he was about to nail them.
That quote at the end really spoke to me:
“What is Radical Acceptance? It’s when you stop fighting reality, stop throwing tantrums because reality is not the way you want it…Rejecting reality does not change reality…Acceptance may lead to sadness, but deep calmness usually follows. The path out of hell is through misery. By refusing to accept the misery that is part of climbing out of hell, you fall back into hell.”
Marsha Linehan on Radical Acceptance
And not at all out of character for the city of brotherly love.
Thank you! I can stop staring at it now.
Me too, it can, right?
In case you are here for the actual recipe:
Daffodils blooming in Northern California, USA (which usually wait until spring).
I mistimed it one time and got lost on the way to the airport. I'm wandering the streets, getting more amnd more high and things are starting to look less and less familiar. Finally I get it together enough to call a taxi (in tears) and the operator tells me I'm only a block away and calmly gives me directions. I made my flight just in time and am forever grateful to that kind soul.
Looks like someone finally captured a family hug with our teenager in the middle on film.
I don't think you are ready for that, try this out first and see how it feels:
The prophecy has been fulfilled!
Now I want a hoagie and I am thousands of miles from the nearest Wawa. Curse you!