Finished playing Elden Ring DLC. Started going through Kenshi in Japanese and continued MH Stories (in Japaneseas well).
I don't even see the optimising problem as bad probably because I'm used to it. Evil Within for example ran terribly on launch but since then I have upgraded my setup and played through it. Checking the benchmarks just is something you should do on PC. Reviewers usually are pretty out of touch with rest of the world or average gamer just doesn't care about drops and sub 30 framerates.
I feel like a worse problem currently is how games are made with TAA in mind or with forced TAA so you just can't make them look good even with time and more powerful hardware. It's either blurry mess with artifacts thrown in or something that doesn't even look like 1080p on 4K resolution.
The meat certainly was elsewhere and you even got punished for clearing the main quest early. I've always loved the Daedric prince quests as they are all kind of wacky and Dark Brotherhood is pretty good. Best thing about Oblivion has to be Shivering Isles though and I will fight anyone who dares to say otherwise.
Even with a small library of 100 games I wouldn't want to handle data on a phone. Games have so many different attributes tied to them that even thinking about going through them on a tiny phone screen feels like a type of hell described in Dante's unreleased poems.