Jesus. Used to just be like 50 cents to add cheese. Now I've gotta drive all the way to Michigan??
Ah. "Scramble the mantras" must be code for big time fucking up peoples' guts, then
Huh. I wanna say it's wild to claim people from Arizona and New Mexico have Midwestern accents, but I've only just realized I have no clue what the hell they do have. Midwestern accents, I guess?
And a boat on a river you have to cross, but you can only bring one of them with you each time you cross?
And look- people can pull off the skinny elf look but they can't pull off Orlando Bloom.
Hell, I've tried to do both. All it got me were some pants I can't return and a restraining order. C'est la vie, I guess.
Question: what if my Mass Effect ending color doesn't match my gay sex color? Should I be concerned?
So, to be able to transmit packets wirelessly, it needs a medium to communicate them over. If you stick it in the microwave for a while, it should begin to absorb the microwave radiation. Once it's full enough (minimum 20 minutes in microwave, recommend full hour if you have the time), it should then start emitting excess microwave radiation that your devices can pick up, and then you can check your e-mail.
Chocolate Eclair. Nice texture. Really scrapes the sides clean.
A vision of a future for America where everyone's included, everyone's represented, and everyone can join hands in friendship as one? Now that's Thinking Outside the Bun™.
"He lies about so many things! How the hell was I supposed to know he actually meant it this time?"
I can absolutely say I want to live in a castle rendered in early '90s CGI. Just..probably not this specific one.
Down the street. The wind keeps blowing it away every time I bend over to pick it up and it keeps making me look like a huge asshole in front of the whole neighborhood