Yeah, I suppose that may be it. Thanks for the insight.
Am I missing something? Nothing in the ML thread you were in reads remotely close to flaming to me.
Debian has all the updated packages one needs for gaming just as well as the other distros.
Yes and no, but I agree with the overall sentiment. Debian is entirely fine for gaming.
People in this thread have very interesting ideas of what "shit hardware" is
Thanks for the explanation. I was hoping it was this instead of "I disagree!"
Both of your posts to this community are videos that were posted a few hours earlier. Should have a peek before you post.
My two suggestions are forcing a different proton version (you mention this, so im guessing you already have) and ensuring you have a 32bit opengl driver installed(package names will differ between distributions. Arch wiki has some info)
For troubleshooting, launch steam from a terminal and watch for errors on game launch/close
Tim Corey on YouTube has excellent beginner C# material. I would start there.
I feel like that can't be true, but I have nothing to disprove it
I think this one is probably very popular. I had a very hard time giving Gnome a chance because of its inability to do this by default.