These are all awesome recommendations, I'll see what I can organise! You are a legend :)
Nah degauss is all good and gives a nice satisfying clunk (I lurrrve a good degauss lmao). Not getting any kind of a picture to need it!
I'm up at 5:30 and at work just before 7 each day. My normal lunch time is around 11:30 (ie. now - leftovers are in the microwave!) because any later and I'd just about pass out from hunger.
Yup know where it is, friends of mine used to live out that way :)
Thanks, that would be much appreciated! I'm in the outer-east but am willing to travel to get it sorted if needs must.
+1 for Team Hose. Start with a nozzle set to a gentler spray pattern, but if noise persists, time to turn that dial to full-blast jet.
For the retro techies out there... I have a CRT monitor that needs repair to fully complete my retro gaming rig. Tube, cables, HV/flyback etc. are fine, it's got other electronic issues resulting in no video, that are a little more outside my skillset to fix.
Places willing to fix CRTs are now basically non-existent that I can find, anyone have any tips for somewhere that may repair such a thing? Most hear 'CRT' and nope out.
Extra frustrating because my dad used to DO exactly this for a living! I swear I have aches that stem from helping him move mega-heavy CRT TVs around his workshop as a kid! I have no doubt he'd have been able to sort this thing out in a hour or less. 😔
A nice SG would be next on my wish-list for sure. You're right they're very different to play, my old music teacher had one I used to get to use a little bit 20 years or so ago.
With a 5 year old and a crazy workload, I definitely don't get to play as much as I used to! Our little bloke is showing an interest in music though, my wife is steering him towards piano, I'm on Team Guitar, but we're not being pushy about it at all. IF he wants to learn an instrument at all it's entirely up to him!
Of course, the fact that the guitars and ukulele are now prominently mounted on the wall in the room right next to his bedroom had -nothing- to do with me... ;)
How'd they take it? It's probably all old hat for them by this point.
Oh man that thing looks awesome - good luck with the search! Because you totally deserve it!
My last purchase was a 2011 Les Paul Studio, not the sexiest full-bling LP but every time I pick it up I absolutely love playing it, it's right for me. And after playing a few newer ones I actually prefer the one I've got.
Oh man in my youth I owned more than one car where the lack of an oil leak meant it was probably out of oil :D
Hopefully it's all good now! Getting timing chain covers off of anything made this century is a ballache :(
Yessss, another one! Congrats!!