Catchya fucking later.
(I still have 4 weeks notice though lol)
Edit: the person I've been seeing is taking me out to dinner to celebrate. Absolute legend!
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Catchya fucking later.
(I still have 4 weeks notice though lol)
Edit: the person I've been seeing is taking me out to dinner to celebrate. Absolute legend!
they actually want you to see out your notice?! Really?! I'd be politely pointing out that if a customer asks why your departing you wouldn't be comfortable lying. That should solve that problem fairly quickly!
Dude the new manager still doesn't know what my job is exactly, or what it entails lol
He's asking me in my fucking resignation meeting about it 😂
And you're right. That's a good point. I'll bring it up in the stand up tomorrow morning.
the owners must have noticed by now something is very wrong with how the company has been run
Just don't burn down your bridges just incase. I've seen some weird times where it's come back to bite people.
Totally. I've been very professional and am preparing my handover notes over the coming weeks.
This whole thing is going to fuck over my favourite people at this place, so want to make it as easy as possible.
How'd they take it? It's probably all old hat for them by this point.
I think they thought I was bluffing.
And the new manager seemed to be on the back foot during the meeting.
He kept asking me a bunch of questions about what my job is lol
He kept asking me a bunch of questions about what my job is lol
omg, that manager is just sooo incompetent
I got a slow blink from one of the strays!!!!
Well that's it, time to get the good gin out lol
The squint of approval!
My life has now peaked lol
oh, and flailing kermit arms, I just signed the lease for the house by the beach 🙂 big exhale, it will be so nice there, like a holiday
and an easier and cleaner house to live in
Tonight's wave!
At a really fast shutter spd. you can see it's way less splashy than you think in person.. it is blobby!:
This reminds me of those gorgeous photos of a single drop falling into a glass of milk and the rebound energy makes a perfect coronet around the edge of the impact zone.
I know I say this a lot, but I am so grateful for this space on the internet. Thanks y'all for being rad. Being able to celebrate, commiserate, rant, share, joke - I really appreciate it.
Hope everyone finds some light and joy in your day today.
Home. Deeply fried. I must stare mindlessly for a while
Pretty bleah fieldwork out west with awful dust, and the woooorst traffic. I think I need to make sure I leave that part of town by 3pm so I'm not stuck tearing my hair out on the M1 (even paying a princely $7+ to go through the tunnel is aggravating)
I feel so mad. I'd treat myself to a pizza but I've already had a takeaway spinach roll for breakfast and a servo sanga for lunch. No more reckless spending, it's pasta with broccoli, celery, peas and vegan chorizo for dinner tonight (easy to make!)
Dishwasher people have contacted some service agent who's then supposed to get in touch with me in 2-3 days. I don't know how long I'll be without a dishwasher for. Still disproportionately frustrated about it.
Grateful at least for chilled coconut water to calm down with...
E: after a buttload of garlic, I am sated
Early lunch because NOTHING is functioning at work.
I soothe my angst with a crispy pork rice bowl
Aldi has a kind of crappy web site. I can't search their list of grocery products. I made apricot chicken but had to get the apricot nectar and french onion soup mix from Coles. I prefer to avoid colesworth where able.
I wish they had home delivery, they would then get all my business.
I was doing an annoying dance at Melbcat and I definitely think her vision is improving. Confusion… her head and eyes tracking movements… disappointment in her eyes… yeah she can see me! And from metres away.
Carefully packed by room type and labeled boxes have devolved into throwing random items into shopping bags. So many sneeze fucking dust bunnies!
Crawling round my engine bay, looks like I fixed the oil leaks like a god dam baller. I mean I tightened the three nuts with oil leaking around them - two in the rocker cover and one in the timing chain cover. But nonetheless oil leak stopped.
Melbcat was following with her head and eyes while I scrabbled my hand back and forth! Staring and locked on. She can definitely see from a few meters away now.
She’s getting grumpy because I’m tuning the ukulele and she hates the sound. I tuned it the usual way but might see if I can change it to D tuning just to know how.
(I wish I had the money and commitment for a different instrument but this is purely for occasionally messing around with before giving up again. This is the best option for my budget and space!)
Freezers almost cleaned out.
Will do the rest in 2 weeks.
Felt criminal but glad it's done. Clean slate.
I will do better going forward with any luck.
I just had a dream about buying a new guitar.
Well, time to start saving lol
Tax time. Cheating since the doggie isn't mine. Just outside my work.
Cleaning out the freezers today as it's bin night. There is.. a lot. Ol' girl had a habbit (when she/we did the shopping down here) of doubling down on shit that we already had. Also brings duplicates of stuff from melbs down and heaps end up in there
Now she's not shopping so it's time for the purge. Some of that shit would be 5+ yrs old. Difficult to know what's good / bad for a lot of it. Seems like a waste but relatively not too bad considering how long it's been.
Does anyone here keep an inventory of stuff in there? Tempted to do a spready (or 2) and slap it on doors to keep it tight. But it might be one of things where it could be an idea but will never work properly.
Catching up with someone from high school that I lost contact with, all because I messaged her happy birthday. I'm excited!