Can you even imagine what kind of content would air on Rick Perry the Science Guy?
Listen I get that these people have never taken a science class, but I damn well know at least some of them watched Jurassic Park.
I am a manager for a remote team. Sometimes I screw up and forget to double remind the team about holidays. Sometimes I remember but they forget anyways.
Either way, I’m not going to screw someone out of a day of PTO; I’ll usually suggest the coming Friday off as an alternative.
I would be honest, it’s a funny mistake and worth a quick laugh.
I feel like this is really simple stuff.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, it’s probably a nazi.
Jokes on you, Satan; heat doesn’t rise, it moves to cold. Hot air rises.
What a surprise: AdamEatsAss likes enemas. 🫡
Dessert falls under “rule of fork”.
In that if you try to take any I will stab you with one.
In total, police submitted 1,922,5771 crime guns to ATF for tracing between 2017 and 2021.
That number does not make sense, it’s either 19M or 1.9M. Let’s be generous and assume that trailing 1 was a typo (consistent with the commas).
This would mean ghost guns accounted for 0.01% of all the gun traces. A number so negligible as to be irrelevant.
I’m standing by the “raised by 1000%” being a bit of sensationalism.
…ghost gun shootings have risen 1,000% across the nation
From what, and to what? I loathe when I see percentage based metrics because they’re so incredibly easy to manipulate.
Until proven otherwise I’m going to assume that there was 1 and now there are 10. That’s 1000% increase for sure, but I’m not sure 10 instances is worth sweeping legislation.
“1000% increase” sure does sound scary though.
I know, right?
Turns out this rumor I started was only a rumor after all.
Also… red faced? Really? I refuse to believe that Boebert is capable of humility.