Some R's have spoken out:
Find a new one. Find one that specializes in ADHD. You can absolutely be diagnosed as an adult, however the symptoms must have been present before the age of 12 or something, technically.
I had a doctor ask me if I had found jesus when first trying to get help w my issues. For real. It can take some time to find the right fit, but hopefully you can seek out an ADHD/neurodivergent focused therapist for better results
e: i was diagnosed by a psychologist/therapist. I have heard from several folks anecdotally that their psychiatrists are more detached and are mostly just there for prescriptions. YMMV
I posted elsewhere about this, but ADHD can mess with your emotions. I thought for a while that I was bipolar because of how quickly my moods could change and how strongly I felt things like anxiety or disappointment or frustration. Now that I know what it is, in the moment I'm able to pull myself out of depressive spirals caused by hyperfixation etc. I'm also able to better work with the peaks and troughs of my productivity. Plenty of other helpful reasons too!
I mean the Wordpress founder alone should be enough. I work a lot w people migrating from Woocommerce and I have not been impressed. API routes that 500 randomly, horribly messy data, etc. That of course is my biased view based on a subset of Woo merchants. I invite anyone looking to migrate from Shopify to heavily weigh their options.
idk people have to agree in some smoky board room on the correct message and policy and run it by legal or something. i mean there are probably lots of ppl involved
“All merchants are responsible for following the rules of our platform. This merchant did not engage in authentic commerce practices and violated our terms so we removed them from Shopify,” the company told TechCrunch in a statement.
mmm delicious bland corporate platitudes
because they told their front line support to say "no comment" on matters unrelated to Shopify stores? it seems like they took the store down, which really has little to do with the influx of support tickets and calls they likely got. I worked support for years -- this is amazingly unsurprising and I think the correct move, if they did indeed take down the store that is.
e: spacing
transmission-cli path-to.torrent