There were leaks of users that used Tor. Their DNS was leaked along with their searches when using Tor in Brave. It's since been fixed, though.
I called out a fearmongering and hatespeech article on ruqqus and got -6 votes, so it's not that bad lol.
I read on brave's website they are using ex-Cliqz developers to develop their own brave search engine. Cause Cliqz was privacy-oriented....Their privacy practices weren't good from what I recall.
I've heard of that Tor push thing. It's cool that Firefox is first to implement it. Honestly, once Vivaldi gets better with battery life I'll probably switch to Vivaldi.
Icecat is good. I've been using Librewolf intermittently. The one browser, imo, at least, that could potentially rival brave, is the Classic browser. It's cache-less, uses the hosts file to block all ads, and it has pretty nifty tools for blocking scripts.
Yeah :/ It sucks that his browser is the only private browser with crypto at the moment.
Yeah. I keep watching his twitter feed to see what he says from time to time. It's sad that he made a great browser, but he's kind of a not good guy.
Hi. I was a brave user, but after learning a few things, not anymore. What's your opinion on the CEO?
From what I've heard, they are just practicing good enterprise, which is a term used in the free market, or so I've heard.
I made a post on r/browsers over on reddit and someone said to go back to firefox, they are wokies like me. Plus a couple other comments as well.