I was thinking Thumbman, which I like because it doesn't make any fucking sense but sounds catchy.
Yeah, well that's what happens when you want your politics to satisfy your celebrity "culture" cravings, otherwise "politics are boring, why bother voting?", never allowing time for fixes and positive change to gain inertia, and it is easier and quicker for political red meat predators to break something than for well-meaning government nerds to fix it.
And also, of course - "vote for woman?! when pigs fly! muh puriteh!"
This piggish government is an accurate reflection of its' people, both the maga and the non-voting shitheads: ignorant, lazy and angry. Looking for a magical messiah, like medieval peasants.
How about Mad Max: Fury Road!
Wait til they find a way to blame Biden for this!
Replace the egg by a œuf.
The social protocol is to not take pictures at a funeral.
Who the hell looks at pictures of people in funerals?
Rolling of the bones. Bones tell everything.
Speaking of fog and baseball, check out this 1986 game at Toronto's atrocious Exhibition Stadium. YouTube link here.
It was the milder winters on the Pacific side that allowed for it, an extra month on either side, early March to late October.
"I think politics should always be entertaining. Then I get annoyed that politicians are always drawing attention to themselves and there's always drama. I cannot even visualize living life any other way. I find myself to be very intelligent! And pure. I find myself to be very intelligent and pure. At the center of the universe! I mean... I turn around, I see the horizon always at the same distance... I must be at the center of the universe. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I find myself to be very intelligent, and pure, and at the center of the universe."
i'M tOo LaZy To bE bOtHeReD WiTh BaSiC CiVic DuTy, So i BeLiEvE aNyOnE oNLinE wHo TeLLs Me ThAt bOTh ParTiEs ArE tHe SaMe LoL aMiRiTe?
LoL_!!!_ 🤣🤣🤣
i'M sO pUrE!!! 😇🤪🤩
Millions of self-destructively lazy, stupid mediocre people shouted in unison (again):
Vote for a woman? When PIGS fly!!!
Or if Biden had remained in the race:
sLeePy JoE! LoL!
So we domesticated fire, that's one step out of the swamp and steppes.
Then there was agriculture and animal husbandry, we became sedentary.
Writing developed, accelerating growth in the arts, math and engineering, the sciences... we had domesticated knowledge and memory - data storage.
Before we knew it, the printing press popped up and soon after we domesticated something abstract and invisible, awesome and truly fundamental - electromagnetism. That's is the big game changer right there.
We have figured out our physical place in the universe.
We can image distant supermassive black holes, we have mapped the farthest, faintest reaches of the visible universe using the oldest light there is - the Cosmic Microwave Background (which started out as orange light 13.7 billion years ago).
We are now in the process of harnessing sunlight and the wind; the genome; we can now even perform data operations using quantum superimposed electron states, harnessing the subatomic wave function itself.
Surely we can now domesticate cruelty-free protein chemistry. So many steps away from the swamp and steppes already, so far we can't turn and go back again. What's one more step?