there are plenty of other hotels in vegas, dude, just chill and pick another one
maybe avoid luxor tho
there are plenty of other hotels in vegas, dude, just chill and pick another one
maybe avoid luxor tho
I had to look up that name and I'm sure glad there's another E in there..
if no sin occurs, nothing to repent
From yt-dlp's software license:
Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any means.
nah tech infra shit
Everyone who lacks (is spared from?) the gene that makes it taste like soap
I got nothing against barefoot enthusiasts
Oh, souls, not soles
Pretty sure I saw spit used in that scene
Defend your position, dipshit.
I dare you to say that to a Mirai driver's face.
I'm actually glad I didn't notice to change my mechanical watch, it helped me understand which way the time shifted - even after a day of post-incident investigation and report writing where I had to convert PST to UTC and back..
in jello, too