but we don't agree. the government infringes on so-called inalienable rights all the time. often without repercussion.
you haven't explained anything, you've made unsupported claims.
saying it doesn't make it true.
and I am telling you I don't care to be interrogated. I said what I wanted to say.
it's not a strawman.
Why do you want everyone to be equal and free, why would that be nice? Why should we care?
say what you want to say. i don't care for your interrogative style.
I want you to understand how your concept of a just society ultimately depends on natural rights, whether or not we call them rights.
no, it doesn't.
no, "rights" are an enlightenment era fiction created by people who were supposedly interested in empiricism, but never bothered to question whether rights exist.
equality and freedom
be sure to let me know when egg production is ended.
pretty sure most livestock are slaughtered for money.
easily. I just remove the word "right" from my vocabulary.