Didn’t conservatives whine endlessly about “activist jurists”? Def the pot calling the kettle black.
Snoo better watch Spez closely; he’s likely to be fucked next.
My Dad bought one and took it with us on family camping trips.
I still remember the weird and eerie warbles, chirps and harmonics; creepier than many camp fire ghost stories, under the right conditions.
Wage theft from children; those’re some real scumbags.
May she fail miserably, proving she’s a putz in yet another aspect of her life.
The Document Cloud data from this survey of roughly 1100 Americans, was unreadable on mobile.
“Cable news” is such an amorphous term, with plenty of crossover (“Get your NBC News on our app, or Roku and stay connected…”) that I’d like to see their definitions before commenting further.
One data point I found depressing? People who get their news via print only, were least prevalent; less than those who said they avoided news in any form.
It’s specifically the gutting of benefits his voters use, yet they remain faithful. Fucking bewildering.
Obviously 55% of Americans may find Prevagen helpful.
The pebbles? I think they’re called Starlink, or something.
OMFG! A Texas court ruling that’s not a give away to the donor class? I thought it impossible!
Thanks for the TL;DR!