it’s a pointless statement to say if everyone did anything
I was agreeing with this part, except that I think OP statement was 'hyperbolic' not 'pointless'; an exageration for rhetorical effect.
What I think is pointless is taking hyperbole (and most rhetoric) at face value and arguing about it. It is better to try to determine the underlying point being made (there probably is one if you look hard enough or enquire about it) and think about some more realistic scenarios.
I don't think the original point was about the vulnerability of the economy of mauritius due to overconcentration of the dodo industry ; or, the sustainability of a street entirely owned by landlords. Maybe someone wants to make some Ronald Coase type speculation about how property rights could have saved the dodo .
Rat pogo stick.
Unfortunately rat consumers are notoriosly sensitive to the 'not tested on animals' logo, so is not as simple as attaching rat and observe.
Standard practice is to tape a large potato to the top part and check it bounces properly.
The datasheet should state the specific bounce characteristics to test against, but normally, it should bounce between 2o% and 40% of it's length, when dropped from 40-50% of it's length. I think the standard weight for the testing potato is 700 +/-20 grams. Again the datasheet might indicate a different range if it is specifically marketed towards a niche market like juveniles or the obese or something.