Hyundai pleb here checking in.
Went to schedule the scam “fix” and the dealer couldn’t schedule me for 3 months.
Hyundai pleb here checking in.
Went to schedule the scam “fix” and the dealer couldn’t schedule me for 3 months.
Fairphone being locked to /e/ to keep warranty in the US is a big detractor for a lot of the types of people that would want one.
I feel the best-of-both-worlds move nowadays is to get an iPhone SE and something like the Sony NW-A306. Just embrace a small dedicated media device, iOS for privacy but still getting to use the stupid iMessage and FaceTime features all of your asshole friends use, and an awesome DAP that you can install that one Android app you need for whatever reason.
Hey at least Xbox can play CDs.
PS5 is incompatible. [insert Techmoan video here]
I was more making a point about people already owning capable machines in regards to the consoles, PCs, old smartphones etc they already own being capable emulation machines.
Someone should try and rule out what they already have before buying one of the SBC-style handhelds. It’s more economical, prevents more e-waste, reparability is way more accessible on other hardware than SBCs, etc.
PS2, GC, Wii compatibility is a good point. The only argument I have against that is just going to devolve into Old Man Yells At Clouds so I’ll let you win on that.
The best retro gaming console is the one you already own. Any old hand-me-down or thrift office PC can handle the majority of retro titles, as can most consoles with custom firmware.
If you already own anything from the DS-3DS-PSP-Vita lineups you should be looking into making the most of the hardware you already own.
That being said, my partner is very happy with their Deck, and I’m pretty pleased with my RG351V running ArkOS. I’ve also been very happy with running my RP3B+ with Retropie.
But to be very honest, I don’t do a damn thing that my gaming PC two builds ago, and my PSP1000 I’ve had since high school wouldn’t be able to handle with flying colors.
60%>60% ?
I don’t think that’s right.
Me: “let me just go look up Mystery Men real quick… oh.”
I commented this before watching, like an asshole, so of course it’s answered in the video. 6400 1:1 should be possible on many CPUs.
Anyone bother to watch Buildzoid lately to see his take on the new AGESA? I haven’t paid much attention to Zen3 OC since I’m on AM4 still. Does increased DDR5 clocks even matter if the Infinity Fabric still keep it stuck to 6000-6200?
I have the official Apple Lightning-Aux for my AKG K361 and Grado SR60x. It has definitely adequate audio, no complaints.
I use the Apple USB C-Aux I use for when I use any headphones with my gaming PC (usually Koss Portapros). Also definitely adequate.
My impression with either one is - except for physical durability concerns, if either adapter can power what you’re plugging into it they’re awesome. If you need more power or physical controls or weird connection formats that’s where they start to not be great.
This person is evoking the idea of a game like BattleBit Remastered, by the way, if anyone reading this is living under a rock.