Ok but I didn't know about a helldiver's movie and I'm so fucking pumped.
Ok but I didn't know about a helldiver's movie and I'm so fucking pumped.
At what point do we become Borg
I mean, he's got a point.
I saw you mentioned Maine coastline. Maine has a lot of mineral deposits up and down the coast, and I know of at least one zinc/lead mine.
The metal content is probably because the water is acidic and leaching the natural metals. If that's the case, redrilling a well won't give you any benefit. You'd definitely want a filter system anywhere on the coast, and reverse osmosis would make the water taste a hell of a lot better too. (Unless you like that brackish tasting water)
Jesus o.o nearly 0.1mg/liter?
Maybe I'm really bad at unit conversions, someone correct my math:
human is 5L of blood (or 50dL)
98ug/L => 9.8ug/dL
15% of that gets absorbed if ingested
9.8 * 0.15 = 1.47ug/dL absorbed (per dL injested)
Your blood levels exceed worker exposure limits at 60ug/dL, and poisoning ranges from 30ug/dL to 330ug/dL.
So for this, if you drink a little more than 4L of water (which isn't that hard to do) you've exceeded your exposure limits.
Idk how long you've been drinking that water, but I would maybe get checked out by a doctor?
Well, either you see the drill and realize you don't have that bad of a headache, or the trepanning works (or kills you).
Either way, the headache goes away lol
Yeah, but either way the headache goes away pretty fast.
See that's the word Russia is against. "Sovereign."
Sovereign: One that exercises supreme, permanent authority, especially in a nation or other governmental unit, as.
Putin, in his glorious mind, thinks that the only sovereign is the Kremlin. Belarus, Hungary, formerly Ukraine and now the US are all vassal states to him.
Why? Who the fuck knows. Maybe it's because his $100m (or whatever it's value is) is pretty damn sad looking for a mansion, and the Western world endlessly mocks his lack of true luxury.
Maybe it's because so much money is frozen in other countries. Maybe it's because he has a developmental disorder and is incapable of seeing value in human beings. Maybe it's because he's Russian, and things are a bit different there.
Sovereign nations do as they please. In his mind it translates to his wealth being cutoff, because that's what sovereign nations do. Not that the wealth is cut off because of his actions. To him, he is never wrong. So then every sovereign nation must be wrong.
And then there's me, who would rid the world of feet.
Is this chart actually used in prescribing patients? I find that concerning. I have abnormal metabolism on several of my CYP enzymes, plus I have other medications that are ligands of them as well.
For instance, there are people who have multiple gene copies of rapid metabolizing enzymes. They may not get any side effects, but may also not get any benefit.
An intermediate metabolizer may get a better response at lower doses and not have to worry about side effects at all.
Compared with someone who has two inactive copies of the primary metabolic enzyme, they may end up with significant side effects and no benefit at low doses.
The only way to know your metabolism is genetic testing. (Which they have studies for, and some insurances cover).
That's the part I'm curious about. California did enact a law in 1967 requiring permits to openly carry loaded firearms, but the Black Panthers didn't just go away.
Anything enacted at a federal level will get pushback, and I'm very curious about how it will be constructed to avoid pissing off their support. In either way, I would presume that people aren't just going to passively hand over their guns. We know how that ends up.
Man I completely forgot about the Court's ability to deputize.
Something tells me that it was intended that I forget that.