I liked Andor :(
I get your point but drug cartels love her political party and they are VERY happy that she won the presidency.
Our current president that is the "spiritual" leader of the party has the mantra of "abrazos, no balazos" (hugs, not shots) towards drug cartels.
Honestly it's a mess, as soon you start a business they come and start demanding money like it's their tax.
But people seems that they love it since they voted for her /shrugs
"I can fix her"
Christopher Nolan disagrees.
Yes, google it, I was amazed too.
Ohhhh yeah I got a new suggestion when someone I don't like wants to get into "your nerd linux world"
Oh, that's evil.
I like it
If it's true that's just plain dystopian sci-fi fking wrong.
Forget mad max and those movies reality is worse
Grimes is that you?
To be honest it's hard to decide, I hate facebook/twitter/etc. I don't want to be close to those social networks. I find Lemmy great, small enough to have a decent community and big enough to get content unless you doom scroll 24/7.
But just last week I needed to search for something and I only found the answer in reddit, I even felt weird going back to that place. I'm not sure we got enough members to cover that kind of necessity. And I feel that if we alienate from other places we'll eventually die because of lack of members/content.
You know, OOP in Spanish translates as "Programación orientada a objetos" or POO in case you need it
Is this an euphemism of both putting their penis out on the table?