Check out his post history. Quite a few people know and keep banning him from different communities but he keeps popping back just like his orange hero.
Gonna give us the answer or make us get on our knees and beg?
I'm shell-shocked that they are considering them martyrs. That means they are getting the full Islamic treatment of 72 virgins each. That's 2,971,152 virgins. I call bs....
All I can say is too many Palestinians have died and I'm sure that number is low but I wouldn't call them martyrs.
How does 70 million translate into one state speaking for the entire country of 330 million?
The last thing I will say on this topic is that the US is divided on abortion rights. Only 14 states have total abortion bans since Roe vs Wade was overturned and I doubt anyone here would be foolish enough to claim that those states speak for the entire population of the US. Yet when it comes to the execution by the state of Missouri of a black man, suddenly, that lone state speaks for an entire population of 330 million people.
Still, almost 10 years ago.
Clinton was well over 30 years ago. Please join us in the present.
That's what you took from my comment? Where do you live, Narnia?
I'm not stupid enough to think that if I were to die and they transported my body to the state I was born in they kidnapped me. Only an idiot would think something that dumb.
BTW, Custody and property are two entirely different things.
The one that I am a legal citizen of and reside in. Why? Are you compiling data for the Russians?
Awesome song