This is really real? Holy shit
If you look back at US history, it's mostly Republican presidents fucking the economy, then a democratic president putting things back in order, leaving a good economy only to be followed by a Republican president who then goes to tank it.
Also US history: every election Republicans are boasting about the economy they received from a democratic president, but act as if it's all their work, and complain about how horrible economies democratic presidents received, acting as that was somehow the fault of a Republican president
Even when these tarrifs are gone, Canada, Europe and Mexico should continue to move away from the US economy as the US has shown time and again that it's current political system is so horrendously corrupt that it can't be trusted as a partner.
Do NOT buy US built weapons anymore either as there is an actual non zero chance you'll have to use these weapons against the US. Especially the more advanced weapons like the F35, which is already a shit bucket on its own, pose a huge risk as you can rest assured knowing that the US has a kill switch for these when needed.
Until the US completely rebuilds it political system from the ground up, new constitution and all, it should be ignored and left out of the sandbox where the rest of the world is pkaying
That link doesn't seem to work, can you post it as a normal link? Would love to read it
Of course it's coming, it was always coming. Trump is a dictator mobster wannabe bully Hell tell you to give him your lunch money and he won't punch you. You give him your lunch money and then he'll punch you anyway.
Canada should immediately repeal the extra border security they added for trump. Hell, maybe help the fentanyl dealers a bit with getting it across. If US citizens die, I honestly at this point don't care. Trump doesn't give a shit about others dying, US citizens elected trump, don't go crying if now you die, don't care.
Canada should join Mexico and Europe in one big economic zone tonight all together against the US. The US is an economic powerhouse but these three combined will be able to handle this better than the US can.
Having said all that:
Looking at Trump's picture here, did a cheetoo ejaculate over his face? Serious question as ... What's going on with that face?
Admitting you were wrong would help getting you in the right direction, it would make you a bigger person.
That probably is too much to ask, though
What's wrong with command line?
I divide my work between 3 things: code IDE, browser, and command line. I have a pop down console that has some 20-30 tabs, each with some 2-4 command line consoles each. It's awesome, fasr, and efficient. I pretty much never use GUI tools for anything at all.
I'll do almost any task you do in 30 minutes on GUI in at most half that time on the command line.
I know that the command line isn't for everyone, but if you're a developer, or DevOps or anything alike, get the command like and get twice the work done
Isn't signal owned by a single company with backend infrastructure all Managed by them and only them?
The current CEO is nice, for sure, but she won't be there forever. Look at what Mozilla just did, this eventually WILL happen to signal too
What alternatives are there form something like signal?
It's burnout waiting to happen
So? Then you fire them and hire fresh meat.
Humans are replaceable, no?
/S, of course
Are there US open source projects?
This, in part,is also the educated vs. the uneducated.
Most of Trump's policiet are obviously dumb when given a single thought, but you have to be able to make that throught. The vast majority of magas are not capable of making a first, let alone second, thought