It totally makes sense, because most US-Americans dont know that other countries exist.
If the main capitalist countries destroy themselves through pure incompetence, I appreciate that. It gives a lot of opportunities for legitimate protest and organizing.
It was always expected that Covid would get more infectious and less deadly over time. Eventually it will be similar to a flu, and almost everyone will catch it. You can see very clearly in the case of Spain how deaths per day are lowering with each wave, while infections per day increase with each wave.
You can collect a lot of information by crawling the activitypub endpoints. Its all nicely formatted as json, so you can parse it easily. However, the lack of advertising or other commercial aspects means that companies wont waste any thought on it. And for governments its likely still too small to care.
I really doubt that it will still be a single, unified country by 2030. It will probably split into at least half a dozen of states once the central government collapses.
The article claims that there was a financial crisis in 2020, but thats simply not true. If you look at the stock markets, they all went steadily up, in large part thanks to newly printed money which was injected by governments and central banks. The effect is that the financial crisis was postponed, but it cant be postponed forever. So the real question is, when will the next financial crisis hit? I think it could likely be in the next few months already.
You are painting Russia as the "bad guy" when its not even mentioned in the image, just vaguely connected through your questionable interpretation of it. What is that if not russophobia? But it makes sense, as you are also defending the same capitalist media which promotes russophobia day in and day out.
You are interpreting a lot into this meme, no clue where you take all that from. The russophobia isnt helping either.
By framing you mean the title? Because otherwise there is no frame or context at all. So it seems to be more about your interpretation. You are right that those events happened before/after the actual war, but they are still closely related to it.
And yes it is a criticism of western media, nothing wrong with that. It certainly doesnt require any statements about communism or nazism. I also dont see any slogans here, so that statement looks like pure Russophobia (which the same western media is also promoting).
Propaganda in the original sense of the words is basically everything that promotes specific political views. So this meme can definitely be considered propaganda, just like all other political memes. What I dont understand is why you consider it right-wing. Just because you disagree?
Which part of this image is right-wing propaganda in your opinion? All the statements on the top are true as far as I know. And it is also true that the western media ignores these facts, and focuses on the war with Nazi Germany. And usually even ignoring the eastern front, or the Japanese atrocities.
Digitalocean is based in the United States, so if you host your instance there, you will have to follow the laws of that country to some degree (at least if the instance gets big enough for someone to notice). It will probably be similar if your instance is hosted in another country, and I dont think there is any country that is clearly neutral.
So my suggestion is to think about which countries your instance would mainly criticize, and then host in a "hostile" country. For example, if you want to criticize the United States, host in Russia or China as their governments wont care about that. Or vice versa.
Countries under US military occupation.