Spam your resume on whatever job searching sites you can, if you haven't already. The best way to get work is via networking or recruiters hitting you up. You're gonna have to shift through a lot of shitty recruiters with shitty positions but good stuff does show up every once in a while.
Could you hire someone to clean so then you get some of your free time back?
I used to be in a similar situation with a 1.5-2 hour commute each way and I totally understand where you are coming from. It's not worth moving to have a short commute if you will hate where you live. You just need to be annoying and tell everyone and their mom you're looking for remote work.
Every time I read about the ultra rich the exceed my negative expectations. 15 days = 1 lifetime is waaay more than I thought. My guess would have been like 1 year to build up that much. Wtf are they doing
The way a lot of these NFTs fucked themselves over was promising something in addition to the NFT, like a game or whatever, that they never delivered on. If it was always "buy link to monkey pictures" and that's it they could probably get away with it no problem
Pretty similar experience to what others have mentioned, so mostly echoing what they said.
With a shutdown I "hit the wall" so to speak. I could have been fine when things started out but I have reached the point where whatever it is has built up and I have reached my limit of overstimulation. I will stop participating in conversation, if it's really bad I won't even move much or be paying attention.
Because I grew up with "you're not autistic you're just high maintenance" parents I learned to "save" my meltdowns. I may have short responses or act annoyed when I'm around others. Inside I am raging. And I know I'm raging for no reason aside from the environment, but I can't help it. Which makes me more mad lol. Overstimulation is not just "wow it's loud in here" it's physically painful to me to continue to exist in that environment. Once I get home I rage cry.
Another thing that can make me shutdown or have meltdowns is plans changing, not only overstimulation. When I have plans it is like my entire life leading up to that point is built on the fact that I will be doing X at Y time. I have spent the time to mentally prepare myself to do X at Y time. If those things change, everything feels fucked up.
Recognizing when I am becoming overstimulated helps me a lot now that I actually understand what is happening. If I get to take a break and go for a walk or go somewhere quiet it usually prevents me from having a full on meltdown later. Also just... Admitting what is happening. Like "I am angry because the time changed from 3pm to 5pm and I was not mentally prepared for that." But some situations are just too much and it ends up happening anyway.
And people where the microphone just fucking hates you. It always gets what I am saying wrong so I just use the keyboard
They should double down and get him to testify this under oath instead of a press conference
Even their chicken fries aren't as good anymore 😭
I read someone say weaver chicken tenders were identical to their old tenders, but they don't sell those here sadly
We have good butter and cheap ass store brand butter and I alternate depending on how much you will be able to taste the butter in the recipe