Armored core is also among my favorites, the AC design language is so effortlessly iconic.
I've also got a soft spot for fantasy styled mechs like the Guymelefs from The Vision of Escaflowne
Armored core is also among my favorites, the AC design language is so effortlessly iconic.
I've also got a soft spot for fantasy styled mechs like the Guymelefs from The Vision of Escaflowne
Oh, nice catch on the connections there! I've always found it fascinating how often anime and other Japanese media take inspiration from Gnosticism and other weird aspects of Judeo-Christian myth. The Xeno RPGs (Gears/Saga/Blade) are some of my favorites because how much they also play around with these old ideas in a modern way.
Yeah I'm sold on a Calibarn HG kit as soon as they announce it - there's a WFM kit just labeled "New Item B" that they still haven't officially unveiled, so I'm assuming it'll be that.
There was a lot to like in this episode.
Suletta and Guel having their final(?) duel fencing was a great callback to Amuro and Char. I love Guel, but my man is a born loser.
Suletta and Miorine's heart-to-heart was really well done. Both of them are moving out from the shadow of their parents and doing what they want to do, moving forward because it's their choice. It's good stuff. Sad nightgown Miorine was also pathetically cute. I'm going to be so crushed when these two don't get a happy ending.
Calibarn is absolutely fantastic, though all of the permet effects in that battle really struggled with the bitrate of my stream. Love the witch imagery with Calibarn riding in on a giant laser broomstick.
Only a few episodes left, I'm not ready for this show to be over. Really hope we get another season or a sequel series.
Woah, this is great!
Yeah, good clarification on the god hands. That is how I use mine, for the second cut.
Never had mine rust, though I keep them in a reasonably dry place.
Depends on the part - I generally try and leave nubs on and then go back at them again with the sharpest thing I've got to make a clean cut. The Bandai nippers should be plenty sharp for both of those steps, I wouldn't bother with a razor blade unless you really want to.
If you're going to buy anything for getting into gunpla, I think a really sharp pair of sprue cutters / nippers is the way to go. As you'll quickly find out, cutting the little tabs off of parts can leave blemishes behind that you'll want to minimize - especially if you aren't going to paint or do any other finishing.
The godhand nippers are a bit expensive, but they work really well:
There's also the "aluminum foil trick" to help sharpen whatever cutters you have on hand - fold some foil into a sheet of around 0.5cm thick and cut through it with the nippers. It'll refresh the edge on the nippers for a while.
Both types of discussion are welcome here - if this ever grows large enough that we need to split the "hardcore" crowd into their own community, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
The REAL real tragedy would be losing r/shitpostxiv ๐คฃ
One hope I have for this community is for it to become a treasure trove of good tea sipping gifs.
Bryce, baby girl, my sweet child, I want to give you so much flak for starting with The Origin.
jk it works just fine as a first series - Hope you enjoy!
I've been telling you Gundam was fantastic for a while you nerd.
Hope you enjoy! There's nothing else quite like it imo. I'd love for a reboot/sequel/spiritual successor someday.