The problem is that wotc really didn't want to raise prices past $3.99. Pack prices hit $3.99 in 2006, and stayed there for nearly 20 years. They raised distributor prices in 2015 without changing MSRP, and then got rid of MSRP (and raised prices again) in 2019.
A pack of Alpha, a pack of Urza's Saga, and a pack of Khans of Tarkir all have roughly the same inflation adjusted retail price: ~$5.50 in 2025 dollars, which is conveniently the current MSRP for Magic IP sets.
For whatever reason, they've found all sorts of excuses for the price increases (all of which they actually control) but never blamed inflation, even though that's actually a reasonable explanation.
Is there any reason to not join the EU if we want to align standards, regulations, and allow free movement?
The only thing I can think of that would be a hard change would be our dollar. We could possibly negotiate to keep that though - I don't know if the EU is still making exceptions like that or if that was just at the beginning.