It's presumably also heating a lot of other things. That would be nice if true though.
What's special about resistive heating wallpaper? Why not heat pumps?
Yeah that was the best time, the second best time is now.
Right it's not nearly as popular now as when the story broke (by a lot), but it's more popular now than it was a month ago. Meh.
Destroy a source of historical documents so that the past can be contested. Sow doubt, confusion, deniability. Hide evidence of past crimes, or inconvenient documents. Plant documents, etc.
There are dozens of us!
That's the YouTuber backyard scientist running away after he tried to trigger the trap
Batman and Dracula are characters that share a nocturnal bat related identity and are also wealthy recluses with mansions. So yeah, that's pretty much the joke. Whoops Harley and the Joker got them confused.
I'm going with no, it shouldn't be a big drain. You can take a look at the task manager and get an idea of its relative power usage.