That is a basic human right. Let's at least have a small sliver of respect.
But Kinder eggs are fair game.
That is a basic human right. Let's at least have a small sliver of respect.
But Kinder eggs are fair game.
Egg vending machine? That sounds interesting.
Regardless of imaginary lines drawn on maps, we're all human and we're on the same rock, crusing through space.
Local egg farm. These are large eggs and then I have a tray of extra large eggs. They treat really well their chickens.
Per the picture, of you have a death wish.
But spread the anti-fascist virus, please.
Good to know! Spread the news!
Discreet vandalism. I like it.
But how come duck eggs may kill you?
I was stupid and there was no video surveillance on the plot. The next coop will be a fortress.
I would gladly give you those eggs, if I was able to.