
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

I would gladly give you those eggs, if I was able to.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

That is a basic human right. Let's at least have a small sliver of respect.

But Kinder eggs are fair game.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Egg vending machine? That sounds interesting.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 days ago

Regardless of imaginary lines drawn on maps, we're all human and we're on the same rock, crusing through space.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Local egg farm. These are large eggs and then I have a tray of extra large eggs. They treat really well their chickens.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago

Per the picture, of you have a death wish.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

But spread the anti-fascist virus, please.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Good to know! Spread the news!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

Discreet vandalism. I like it.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)


But how come duck eggs may kill you?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

I was stupid and there was no video surveillance on the plot. The next coop will be a fortress.


As a thinking experiment, let us consider that on the 1st of January of 2025 it is announced that an advance making possible growing any kind of animal tissue in laboratory conditions as been achieved and that it is possible to scale it in order to achieve industrial grade production level.

There is no limit on which animal tissues can be grown, so, any species is achieveable, only being needed a small cell sample from an animal to start production, and the cultivated tissues are safe for consumption.

There won't be any perceiveable price change to the end consummer, as the growing is a complex and labour intensive process, requiring specialized equipments and personnel.

Would you change to this new diet option?


I find myself often putting small details into my stories that come straight from my life experience: a car model, a location, a reference to a book or a movie... small details that make the story feel more connected and help me dive into it.

Do you do this as well? And do you keep those things in your work or do you anonimize or erase those little details, when you give others your work to read?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Here is my problem: I have an old house - nearly 100 years old - that I need to insulate but I have a few problems and concerns I need to deal with. The walls are essentially stone and an old kind on solid cement block.

I've been looking into the insulation solutions available in my market and it is basically a matter of gluing thick boards of styrofoam-like material to the walls.

On the outwalls this is not feaseable as the house faces a road with no sidewalk, so I'd be encroaching onto the road. Inside, adding 5cm of insulation would make small rooms smaller to the point some would be, for all practical purposes, rendered into generous pantries.

Because I live in a somewhat rural area, mice and rodents are a concern, so adding materials they can chew through makes no sense. It would be like supplying an easy to move through medium to run the entire house. I have seen houses and buildings with this kind of insulation chewed into, the moment the smallest of pieces of the hard plaster gets cracked, which is very easy. The added fire hazard is a concern as well, I'll admit.

I've already seen cork insulation but the base color is always brown and does not deal well with being painted on.

What other options may I look into? I'm in southern Europe but in an area with harsh winters.


I have a small plot of land where a few old trees exist.

For what I could gather, these are heirloom trees no longer commercially available, probably even local varieties: one pear (possibly two), one apricot, one peach and one cherry tree.

I would like to reproduce these trees without the need to use root stock.

Talking with arborists always returned the same kind of answer: not commercially viable, too long to obtain fruiting trees and even an argument that the new trees would become "wild" and never bear fruit or only bear unedible fruit. This one I find particularly wild...

Does anyone have any sort of experience trying this? Can anyone recommend a technique?

I've read about a technique that recommends wrapping branches in cloth, with a lump of soil in contact with the wood to promote rooting but the trees I want to prioritize are not eligible for it as they are extremely old, with very thin and frail branches.

Are there any others you would recommend or suggest?


Besides Libre Office, what other programs/solutions exist in the Linux world for writers?

(Please, don't suggest VIM. After all the memes and comments I've read, I've come to dread it).

I like writing but the standard Writer tends to send me in a constant formatting spree.

I want to get back to writing regularly and something that could help me stay focused and somewhat organized would be nice.


It's friday, so lets try to end the week in a positive note with a laugh.

My own: got the first compliment of my life after a locker room raid.

I was told I was pretty easy on the eye with no top on, with a smile and a wink to boot, after a few minutes of playing the toss the bundle around game.


12 a 15 mil para fazer a conversão é uma bela maquia mas poder converter um carro que já é nosso e que provavelmente até gostamos parece muito bom.

Quando a conversão a GPL começou a ser uma coisa, era horrivelmente dispendiosa mas quem a fez dizia que compensava o custo rapidamente.

Porque não isto?


Alguém se lembra do leite escolar, em pacote com essa específica designação, em vez de marca comercial?

Porque terá acabado essa designação?

Partilhem as vossas curiosidades e as vossas respostas para solucionar alguma se a tiverem.

E antes que alguém pergunte: ninguém sabe onde se encontra o vídeo de batatada no Batatoon.


And what do you recommend to hang on walls, for decorative purposes, besides family photos?

Mine are blank and barren, an empty canvas for the maniacal decorator in me, after carefully negotiated with the family.

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