
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

You can download books from your kobo to your pc when downloaded to the device, but if it's a book with DRM then you won't be able to do much beyond having a backup.

From the website, if with DRM, you will download a link that you can only open with (I believe) some adobe DRM software. You are not downloading the book.

Only if you buy drm-free from them will you be able to download and use / transfer your books. They supposedly have a dedicated section for that, but it's messy and doesn't show all drm-free books ; the way I do it is by searching for the keywords "At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software" which will show me all of them.

Now Calibre has a plugin to remove the drm, it works 99 times out of 100.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Ouch. I paid €90 for them.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children) has a toggle for drm-free books, most of mine comes from there. Your library is there, you can download it.

TOR publishing doesn't use DRM, and their books' page have links to places to buy them

Be aware that a drm-free eBook bought on amazon will have drm applied. Fuck Amazon. Kobo doesn't do that, I have a Clara now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Sony wh-ch720n

Features noise cancellation, a delight when in public transportation. Audio conference seems to work good, never had anyone complaining about how I sound. They're confy enough, charge over USB C. And also, they still can be wired with a standard mini-jack cord.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

The word I'd use is "quaint"

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

C'est qui le dernier pas content au bout à droite ?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Les belges aussi mangent du porc cru. C'est super-bon.

(Cette carte est merdique en effet: Les français mettent du ketchup sur leur frites, ce qui devrait les classer hors-compétition, dans des abysses dont même un polonais installé au Royaume-Uni n'aurait pas entendu parler)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

J'ai eu une paire de Genelec comme enceintes de salon pendant un temps - il ne faut jamais oublier ou sous-estimer la notion de plaisir que fournit la musique. C'est la seule justification à ce type de dépense, en fait.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Un bon DJ c'est une personne qui fait des trucs créatifs avec la musique que tu aimes, la tord dans tous les sens, a le culot de balancer une couche de YMCA par dessus pour rigoler et tient sa salle par le tempo, tempo en adéquation avec l'énergie de l'audience

La meilleure façon d'en découvrir c'est en festival, parce qu'un festival sélectionne ses artistes

Et oui, j'ai accueilli des stars de NRJ qui mettaient une clef USB dans la console, grommelaient "pût your hands in ze air" et rentraient se coucher - mais bon, il faut la remplir sa clef USB, c'est quand même un gros boulot de prépa

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Presonus. Rapport qualité-prix étonnant, pas de blabla, c'est de l'entrée de gamme pro dans le sens de "pro c'est des gens qui travaillent avec" et pas audio-patin-couffin super-bass-truc-muche

Chez Thomann tu verras y'a de la gamme, avec et sans BT, de 3 à 5 pouces pour des tarifs raisonnables (et tu peux renvoyer sous 15 jours si t'aimes pas)

Moi je m'en sers comme sources pour des expos où j'ai besoin de fidélité, d'un peu de punch quand même, et de compacité

EDIT: si ton sens de l'humour te reviens, Genelec

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

No one ever asked that question about an opera singer. Or of an actress/actor. Why should it be different?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'm on Deezer with a family plan that my family is happy about ; I use Murglar 2 to download the music I am paying for.


cross-posted from:

VPN providers see blocking orders as a threat to security and some consider exiting France, if blocking measures are granted.


While I subscribe to a lot of c/, still I have favourites I want to check in often; as such, the list is too long and not practical tu scroll down and I usually end up just searching the name instead

I would appreciate a placeholder for favourites in the sidebar

Please? Thanks for all the great work!


Besides Marcan resignation, not much on other recent turmoils, or, more importantly in my view, the use of "Thin blue line" in the language of the anti-rust dev


Next, Defund the United Nations - WSJ Feb. 11, 2025 at 1:36 pm President Trump has cut funding to some egregious United Nations agencies and ordered a review of all funding for the U.N. and other international organizations. Executive orders cutting taxpayer funding for diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and trans ideology won’t fully ensure the U.S. taxpayer isn’t paying for such programs without taking on the global deep state. These priorities are baked in to the institutional structure of international organizations that the U.S. underwrites.

Even the most innocuous-sounding international organizations have institutionalized woke ideology. Nearly every U.N.-affiliated organization seeks to make climate and gender issues (including abortion and transgenderism) an integral part of their work. DEI offices abound. The International Organization for Migration lists as among its central areas of activity “gender equality,” “environmental sustainability” and “reducing global inequalities.” It sponsors programs like “Strengthening Women’s Resilience in the Face of Climate Change in El Salvador.” The U.N. Commission on Human Rights promotes a variety of transgender propaganda campaigns, such as helping Nepalese “LGBTIQ+ writers to tell their own story.”

The U.N. Population Fund—whose budget Mr. Trump cut in 2017 because of its funding for abortion—says “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is at the heart of UNFPA’s workforce.” In 2021, $1 million went to the International Labor Organization for job training for gays and lesbians in Brazil. In 2022, through the U.N. Development Program, U.S. taxpayers have funded a program called “Being LGBTI in the Caribbean.”

Apart from ideological absurdity, this leads to massive inefficiency, with the U.S. funding numerous entities with overlapping missions. The U.S. funds the U.N. Environment Program, the U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification, the International Union for Conservation of Nature, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program, the Global Environment Facility, the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, the Montreal Protocol and others. If that weren’t enough, the Global Fund for HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria says “climate change is the largest global health challenge of the 21st challenge,” and thus part of its mission.

Other parts of the U.N. sound like a taxpayer-funded “1619 Project.” The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, for which the U.S., as with most U.N. programs, is the lead donor, has called on Washington to surrender land to Native Americans, while the Special Committee on Decolonization regularly demands Puerto Rican independence.

If an America-first approach means anything, it should be that the U.S. won’t pay international bureaucrats to do what it forbids its own employees to do. Most federal workers are at least U.S. citizens, voters and taxpayers. Employees at international organizations generally aren’t, and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency should seek to cut U.S. contributions to these agencies by significantly more than it cuts the federal bureaucracy. Only about a sixth of U.S. spending goes to mandatory membership dues to organizations. The rest is voluntary.

DOGE should begin by ending voluntary contributions to agencies that have adopted DEI or gender ideology agendas. Federal law already requires defunding U.N.-affiliated international organizations that accept Palestine as a member state. The failure, since the Obama administration, to enforce this law has undermined American credibility at the U.N.

It is impossible to quit entities like Unrwa, which Mr. Trump defunded this week, because they are U.N. subsidiaries rather than free-standing entities. While defunding them is necessary, past aid cuts have been reversed by subsequent Democratic administrations. Such agencies can ride out a liquidity squeeze.

Durable reform involves ending the U.S. relationship, as Mr. Trump has already done with the World Health Organization. Because these are treaty organizations, rejoining would be subject to congressional approval. DOGE and the State Department should review U.S. membership in these organizations with the same determination to make permanent cuts that they have shown domestically. Take one example: The International Labor Organization has been around since the League of Nations, despite massive changes in the global economy and labor relations. But the ILO has kept up with the times by embracing DEI and LGBT issues.

The Trump administration can also cut U.S. contributions to the U.N. peacekeeping system. Peacekeeping is one of the biggest parts of the U.N.’s budget, and the U.S. pays the lion’s share. Unlike other U.N. programs, peacekeeping operations must be regularly reauthorized by the U.N. Security Council, and the U.S. can veto them. Missions to be vetoed should include the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon, which has shielded Hezbollah, and the U.N. Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, whose function has been made moot by U.S. recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara.

Peacekeeping is the jewel in the crown of the U.N. system, evoking nostalgia for the original vision of the U.N. as an army that stops bad guys around the world. Starting by canceling a few of these missions may be one of the few ways the Trump administration could show the secretariat that there will be consequences for failing to reform.

Mr. Kontorovich is a professor at George Mason University Scalia School of Law and a senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation.


Following the R4L debacle "you are cancer, you are the problem, we are the thin blue line", another maintainer steps down from the Linux Kernel


Non j'ai pas goûté

Non je goûterai pas

Mon setup (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ben oui quand je suis pas au bureau, je travaille de la maison.

Mon empreinte carbone est problématique, je le reconnais.

J'ai toujours un téléphone de m*rde, mais ce n'est pas une raison pour que la photo soit pas droite.


Merci à vous toustes qui avez suivi cette minuscule série et joué le jeu de chercher ou pas, trouver parfois mais pas révélé ce lieu que j'adore et où, donc, je travaille tous les étés comme régisseur de tout ce fourbi Napoléonico-troglodico-moyennageux: concerts, son-et-lumière, expos,... Bebêtes nocturnes et plein de trucs et de machins (et peut-être un ou deux fantômes agacés par nos forfanteries aussi)

Et gros clin d'oeil à @un_[email protected] qui est même venu nous visiter en vrai, qui s'est tapé les 850 marches de la Galerie Souterraine et la visite guidée !

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