I work in a higher ed org that uses a mix of (mostly) Red Hat servers and Windows & Mac endpoints; the Linux-focused admins use Ansible for things I’d do with either GPOs (if it’s something tried & true) or Intune (if it’s some half-baked newness and campus IT would actually give my group the permissions) in Windows.
10s of itchy razor blade cuts
I am in this post and I don’t like it! I have that kind of autism as well, with a garnish of psoriasis on top. I’ve been using this from Cera ve-https://www.cerave.com/skincare/moisturizers/daily-moisturizing-lotion
Thick lotions feel like spreading icing on my skin or something, but this feels like giving it a drink. I use an applicator to spread it on my back and I don’t have any issues with shirts after it’s rubbed in and dried for a minute or two. It is painfully pricey but the XL bottles last me 2-3 months (my last one was $18.50), so it’s not bad overall
I hope you find something your skin likes 🤞
I read enough accounts of pain on Gleba to want to start elsewhere. Vulcanus is cool but I didn’t want to mess around with the worms (and cliiiiiiiffs, so many cliffs) until I had the mech suit, so I ended up heading to Fulgora first. I really liked fighting the environment (lightning) instead of mobs, and the mech armor + recyclers aren’t too hard to get your hands on. Pentapods are a lot less threatening now : D
Yeah, I’d never seen it used in this way either. They use it mostly to modify config files, which gives you a lot of control over most things on a Linux box. We also use it for Macs to do things like create a standardized local administrator account (since Apple doesn’t have a LAPS equivalent). It’s a pretty tangled web but we have an old-school Linux admin who keeps it all ticking (we just worry about his ticker!).
Good luck!