Yeah, that one hit hard during the Floyd protests. It is literally a song about cops killing black people. And it's not even subtle ... wtf?
Too late...friends. Nefarius' corruption has taken hold. I cannot...control myself. I beg you Mortals, flee! Flee before I lose all sense of control. The Black Fire rages within my heart. I must release it! FLAME! DEATH! DESTRUCTION! COWER MORTALS BEFORE THE WRATH OF LORD....NO! I MUST FIGHT THIS! ALEXSTRASZA, HELP ME! I MUST FIGHT!"
I don't even know how often I heard this stupid speech, I know it by heart almost two decades later. I think it took us 2 months of trying, 3-4 times a week for at least 6 hours a day. Good times.
I'm sorry, but the asshole here is your friend. First of all, "defanging" a spider will just kill the spider, slowly (see comment below).
And while they certainly aren't for everybody, they actually are excellent pets if you know what you're doing. Hell, I've kept a dozen Pterinochilus murinus, which are indeed assholes, still never got bitten.
People shouldn't keep pets if they don't know how to care for them.
I'm sorry, this makes no sense.
Spiders bite, inject venom and feed through their fangs (Chelicerae). If you remove them the spider won't be able to bite and more importantly, eat, anymore. So you can't keep a defanged spider for very long ...
Used to have around 50 tarantuals (and some other spiders).
Since when is the US military opposed to commiting war crimes?
Yeah, but it's actually a common misconception that plunge or falling will kill you. It's in fact, completely harmless. It's the sudden stop at the end that's dangerous.
There is probably less cumbersome way to put it, but you shouldn't use "known carcinogen" since that is an official (or at least widely used) classifcation that the chemical is NOT in.
But non of these classify it as a "known carcinogen" like your title claims. Acording to rule 1, posts must be facts.
I'm sorry, but this is wrong.
Acrylamide is classified as "probable carcinogens". Not as a "known carcinogen".
No reason, that was just the number at wich it steadied out. I guess the room was full, no more space for more terrrariums.