
joined 2 years ago
[–] remotelove 7 points 19 hours ago

Not going off-site to download a PDF.

[–] remotelove 6 points 19 hours ago

It's good practice to replace all the batteries at the same time regardless. If one is dying, they probably all are. Discharge rates will be different, so not all batteries will be fully dead. If you replace one fire detector, replace them all.

Safety equipment is best managed equally and a little bit of waste is acceptable. (Waste being: replacing a not dead battery in this case.) Consistent processes, no matter how simple, are important. Use the almost dead batteries for something else if you want, but not safety equipment.

[–] remotelove 12 points 19 hours ago

Growlers come in 32oz and 64oz bottles. My old grocery store in NC used to sell them.

Cold brew coffee is probably the most logical to sell in volume, and it's available as well.

[–] remotelove 5 points 19 hours ago

It's going to be funny as fuck to see some of the Lemmy conservative regulars try and post there. You know damn well they won't notice it's satire... at first.

[–] remotelove 1 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 19 hours ago)

The newest and biggest ThreadRipper, AMD 7900XTX with a 4090 on reserve. +256GB ram (or maximum supported), 2TB M.2 primary drive, with 32TB M.2 expansion cards. 4x Universal Audio Apollo Twin X Duo Gen 2 audio interfaces with 5 Yamaha NS10m's and a Yamaha DXS15mk2. Dual 100gig fiber connections are a must. Dual 55" Odyssey Arc Gen2's, because why not.

(Speakers and audio interfaces are a requirement and considered part of the PC, for me, for music stuffs.)

[–] remotelove 1 points 20 hours ago

With money as no object, you should be able to afford proper cooling for everything.

[–] remotelove 14 points 20 hours ago

I still got the notification via Android, but the message was gone and was curious if y'all had finally nuked this problem.

But, finally get Nicole'd and my only chance for a real, meaningful relationship goes up in smoke. Thanks Obama.

[–] remotelove 7 points 20 hours ago

Can I just send my SSN and a pizza or something? $50 is asking a bit much.

[–] remotelove 6 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

Lol! In Fayetteville, of all places? It's awesome, but absolutely the last place I would have expected that. Durham, for sure. But good ole Fayett'nam? Never in a million years.

[–] remotelove 16 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Fatty liver or rotten teeth... Tough choice.

[–] remotelove 4 points 1 day ago

Not a nutritional expert or anything, but I'll take some guesses.

Generally, it depends on how you spread out your activities, if you are going to be active. If you aren't going to be active, it doesn't matter when or how you eat them.

Still, high fructose corn syrup needs to be broken down by the liver before it can be used by your body. It doesn't seem that it would get quickly used as an energy source, active or not. Spreading out the load over the day might be better for your liver and give you more opportunities to burn that energy. That is just speculation though.

If you eat a whole bag, then immediately run 10 miles, you are just going to vomit most of it out. Sounds like a win to me! (Doctor recommended. For realsies. /s)

[–] remotelove 3 points 1 day ago

More tankie spam! Yay!


This is an odd problem to describe.

I can scroll through about 20 posts and then the feed will "hang". Once those 20 or so posts finish loading thumbnails, additional older posts will be loaded.

This is not as noticeable on fast connections, but causes significant lag on slow connects. There is no immediate indicator that Connect is still loading newer post data when you hit the end of the feed cache/buffer. (It feels like feeds have been split into "pages" and after 20 or so posts, there is a delay when hitting another "page".)

Thanks for attempting to read this shitty description of a problem. I tried.

Edit: The feed will actually get "stuck" sometimes. It's common for me on "all". I had 800mb in cache and just cleared it. It's got a little better for some reason. I can get close to 50-60 posts before the feed pauses or hangs.


I am going to edit this post and get some screenshots. (Done)

Note: Backing out of this post, after navigating to this post, via my profile, triggered the "blank feed" issue again. (See blank screenshot in comments.)

(Sorry for the issue replication testing in this post.)

Bot is flooding /new (self.tucsonpolitics)
Your friends will change. (self.stopdrinking)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by remotelove to c/[email protected]

A key point of many recovery programs is to separate yourself from your drinking buddies, which is probably the most difficult thing for anyone in any situation. It's something I still deal with in some ways: Drinking friends are extremely easy to find. Real friends absolutely do not show up everyday.

I was just thinking about some of the people this morning that I just don't have the need to associate with anymore. There are two that I still occasionally hang out with, but there was a deeper friendship besides booze from the start.

If you are having this problem now, it gets better over time, I promise. It may take a couple of years to learn life again, but you can heal. In retrospect, having much more time on my hands just made the initial loneliness much worse.

My friends changed but also the reasons to hangout with other people also changed. This took time for me to understand. What matters to me personally has slowly morphed over these last few years and that is reflected in who I choose to associate with.

My conclusion is that I absolutely underestimated the time recovery actually takes and how my views on things like friendship would shift. As my entire personality was based on alcohol, I have found that reevaluating past decisions or assumptions can be useful, if not paramount to moving forward. This, unfortunately, takes lots time and time is not a friend to anyone fresh into recovery.

(This was just another one of my random annual stopdrinking posts. If you needed to relate to this in some way, that is awesome. For me, self-reflection is important and I choose to make it public. If this post seems self-centered, that is because it is: It's just not unhealthy.)


Edit: This is a weird thread, and might be a one-off. Maybe I have one of those users blocked and it's hiding the rest of the thread? I dunno, and I'll check. // It doesn't appear that I have any of those users blocked.

After opening my profile history, I can open a thread in my profile view. Clicking into a reply comment takes me to my comment on the post.

I cannot see the full comment thread when I view the full posts history on a post and trying to actually get to new comments is like trying finding the exit at IKEA.

Basically, I can't navigate to a thread to reply, and I had an awesome snarky comment prepared, but forgot it trying to get there.

Navigation behavior is so strange, either I have developed pre-release Alzheimer's, or Connect is bugged. (I don't discount either scenario.)

Sorry, I got jokes today.


After a post is clicked, it seems that all thumbnails are forced to refresh. (Attached image shown immediately after a click)

Also, what may just be the result of a cache clear, doom scrolling seems to cause a similar lag after scrolling past +50 posts. Thumbnail loading becomes laggy, but not sure if related to the issue above.

When the lag starts, Connect will lag fairly bad for as long as a minute. I have also turned off image preload, but that had no effect.

Side bug, changing the title in the new post edit cleared my first post body.


I haven't seen this particular issue since early versions of Connect.


I don't particularly care for dubstep but am more into traditional EDM, trance, electro-house. Basically, anything using simple or modified four-to-the-floor styles with heavy synth work. (Deadmau5, Rabbit in the Moon, Tiesto, etc, etc...)

Recently, I have been playing the game of "duplicate the sound" with my soft synths. I'll hear a song in my car driving back from dropping the kid off at school in the morning and then spend an hour or so with my soft synths duplicating a sound with its effects before I start work.

Copying Rezz has been interesting though. Her "signature" bass sound is a saw with a hair of distortion with some really cool (but still simple) LFO/filter work for rhythm. Add some traditional sidechain compression tied to a kick and most of the work is done. Where she excels is tying in lots of fx into the overall rhythm of the bass that seems to have lots of dubstep'esq influence.

That led me into (newer) dubstep with the drones, wobbles and all-around crunchy bass. Truth be told, it was an eye opener a few months ago when I discovered that most of the crazy "bass rhythm" sounds live above 500hz and that a basic sin wave below 500hz is all you really need for power.

My main issue is that I can't quite duplicate traditional dubstep and/or even super-clean wobbles. (An example here at 1:44:

I have figured out that (especially in the example above) that most of the sound is just lots of low and high pass filter work, probably tied to what I know as an "automation" in FL Studio. (I don't know if that is a general term or if it's FL Studio specific.) Hell, I was playing a couple synths tonight free-style and got super close to some of the key sounds, actually.

When I try and expand on that with, say, Skrillex type bass, I simply don't even know where to start or what tools and techniques to use to distort and destroy the bass line into something like dubstep.

I guess, after all of that, if you wanted to make some really crunchy bass lines, what techniques would you use?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by remotelove to c/lemmyconnect

[email protected] is one I absolutely know is not getting blocked. (I detest short form video..)

Some blocked political communities still tend to show up as well. This is is absolutely not good for my own sanity and mental health.


Weird title, sorry. Let me try and explain.

Goal: Convert simple higher level script into a low level logic gate mess. Basically, I want to build my own custom computers in Factorio with circuit networks. I can easily create any type of logic gate that I want, similar to how computers Minecraft have been built, but with more options.

It would be super nice to code in something similar to Python but have it "compile" into clusters of logic gates. Of course, functionality would be extremely limited, but that is OK and I don't need to boil the ocean.... yet...

(TBH, this sounds really close to what I know about programming FPGAs.)

Let them eat cake (
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