@[email protected] This game is associated permanently in my mind with 11th September 2001, since I missed what’d happened because I was marathoning it.
@[email protected] There are already a couple in the list that only say the name when you pick an option from the startup menu — if you ask me, that’s just a different kind of ’says name on startup'.
Added both, thanks!
@[email protected] @[email protected] oh, this is a good one! Couldn't find a way to add it to the playlist — it's not in IGDB, so you weren't kidding about obscure — but hopefully it'll be there someday. Thanks!
@[email protected] added, and this is now the most recent game on the list. thank you for keeping this trope alive!
this could double as a list of games with easy TitleDrop% speed-runs
we need to bring back this trend
we need to add it to websites too. multiple times a day, a deep, supercool voice should boom 'WIKIPEDIA’ from your laptop speakers
@mr_[email protected] Yeah, this is fair. It's not a 'designer's intent' thing in audio’s case... but it would still be more faithful to most people's experience.
@[email protected] Ah, not sure how this ended up crossposted to Lemmy...
Good point about manuals. There are some games where reading them is anticipated by the game and almost non-optional. I remember early-to-mid-90s CRPGs falling into that category more often than not…
@questlog I hadn't seen Questlog before (thanks, @EighthLayer!) but Playlists are halfway there already, I think.
Someone linked this on Backloggd as an example of a guided list: https://backloggd.com/u/LucasTheYeti/list/introduction-to-video-games/ Kind of a Playlist/editorial combo.
Ideally, there’d need to be a way to annotate individual entries with notes; more importantly, there'd need to be a way to search and discover playlists by title (maybe I missed this?)
I think that’d get you 95% of the way there.
Thanks for reaching out! :D
@[email protected] Probably my favourite DS game… and better than its sequel. So much character in those reward animations.