Me and the DM, the eldest members of our TTRPG group playing Lancer absolutely roasted the youngest member in the firmest way possible for passing us a written document on his character, which I immediately thought looked like LLM slop, when he wanted us to read his dossier after our session last week.
In good faith, I read it, asked whether he wrote it, and he answered he used ChatGPT.
I immediately responded: "If you can't be bothered to write it, I can't be bothered to read it."
That also explains why his character interaction was a little disjointed, and callous. By being excused from thinking deeply about the character he was embodying in our session, he kept making some of the most inflammatory choices possible until the characters of the rest of our players and the DM tried to nudge him towards not being so destructive or greedy.
If this were a video game, it would be the equivalent of not reading the storyline, and just jumping straight into combat every single time, then conversing with others who read the story and had the myriad emotional investments and wondering why we are all feeling things.
Now, you can do this in real life, via LLM-assisted TTRPG character generation. I think he is missing the point of why in the age of computer games with the convenience of all the rules and tool-tips, people still want to gather together and be humans about the stories we want to tell. #Gaming #LLM #TTRPG #Lancer
#PCGaming Uhh.... I am afraid I did not write what you claim. Odd how you just put words in my mouth. Very strange behaviour.