
joined 2 years ago
[–] roadrunner_ex 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh, neat. I’ll be taking a look-see when I get to my bigger screen. Thanks for sharing!

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by roadrunner_ex to c/main

I was just taking a peek at the various frontends supported by, and I was wondering if the admins here have any insight into their respective use?

I'm going to bet the default (lemmy-ui) is most popular, but do any of the other frontends get far-and-away more use than the other alternatives? Has there been any trends up or down? Just thought I'd ask.

As an aside, if any of the frontend developers happen across this post, well done to all of you! I can immediately see the appeal of each, so each niche is being filled darn well!

Edit: to be clear, I'm talking about the frontends listed on the main sidebar.

[–] roadrunner_ex 13 points 1 month ago (3 children)

So, there are a lot of words in the post that I'm not familiar with (LoRA, Oobabooga, CivitAI). However, I think those are details about the actual library or package you're looking at, so I will not touch any of that.

I can strict answer the question "what is Yarn?"

Long story short, it's a direct "competitor" to NPM (Node Package Manager). In the earlier days of Node and NPM, Yarn was an attempt to improve certain weaknesses perceived in NPM (including speed and security). Yarn is still used in many codebases, but it's become less popular over the years as NPM has resolved many of the things that Yarn sought to fix. Also, Yarn version 2 made a major design change which some have viewed as too radical (though I'm unclear on the details as I've only dabbled in v2).

[–] roadrunner_ex 14 points 1 month ago (4 children)


It may not be the answer I gave at the time, but it's the best balance now of "liked it as a kid" and "like it as an adult"

[–] roadrunner_ex 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I am a few hours into Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. The first couple hours were unfortunately spent troubleshooting, so my overall impression is less good than Human Revolution, but now I’m picking up good speed on it.

[–] roadrunner_ex 1 points 2 months ago

You’re right, that’s a distinction I failed to make

[–] roadrunner_ex 24 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I get it...I've never been the maintainer of a codebase that's deployed on trillions of devices, and backwards compatibility is something to be taken seriously and responsibly when you're that prolific. I do not begrudge SQLite or any large projects when they make decisions in service to that.


It always makes me feel oddly icky when known bugs (particularly of the footgun variety) become the new standard that the project intentionally upholds.

[–] roadrunner_ex 35 points 2 months ago (3 children)

So, I will start by saying "Yes, you can do it. It's not too late and programming is fun and fulfilling".

However! One thing my experience has taught me in seeing people approach and bounce off programming is: programming is a fail-til-you-get-it type of endeavour. Your first several years will be littered with broken code, because there are a thousand little things you have to bump up against before you unlock one more puzzle piece.

So! If you go for it, persevere! You aren't a bad programmer, or a slow learner, because you can't get your code to work. Every single one of us ran into the same issue, and we just had to push through, learn to Google, and try again until it sorta-kinda works. You in 10 years will be embarrassed by what you write in your first years

[–] roadrunner_ex 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Welcome to Lemay! Enjoy your stay 😛

What portion of your village work IN or NEAR your village? Or is it a very commute-heavy work life?

[–] roadrunner_ex 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Current favourite from the album, but it was also the first single so it's had the most time to stew and drill its way in.

[–] roadrunner_ex 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I started Game Grumps over a decade ago, and still enjoy most videos to one degree or another. Most games they don't finish, but they always have at least one game that they are working through

[–] roadrunner_ex 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

My last week has been filled with Marvels Midnight Suns. XCom meets deck builder meets dating simulator-lite. I’m having a blast, considering none of those genres are my forte

[–] roadrunner_ex 7 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I agree, the blocker issue’s solution is not one I would have stumbled across. Well played.


Version: 1.0.187 (187)

Hardware: Google Pixel 7

Expected behavior: When swiping "back" on the main/posts page, expect to see "Are you sure you want to exit? Y/N"-type notification. "No" will return you to the app, whereas "Yes" will "close" the app (as in, reopening the app is a fresh open, not 'pick up where you left off'/minimize)

Observed behavior: Swiping "back" on the main/posts page just minimizes the app

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by roadrunner_ex to c/[email protected]

So, I'm tentative to announce this project, as the server it's running on is a bit of a potato which will probably fall over pretty quick if it gains any traction, but...

Introducing RSS Temple!

If you're interested in a free RSS reader which attempts to mimic some of the more useful features of the big players (Feedly and Google Reader, in particular), including full-text search, hotkey navigation, small footprint interface, and sharing to both Lemmy and Mastodon (among others), I would love if you gave RSS Temple a try.

I've been working on this project for ~7 years now, and I alone cannot find any more bugs or usability issues, so I hope it's ready for the community to see. Any feedback is appreciated!

The code is open at: (server, Python) (landing page and web app, Angular and EleventyJS) (Ansible scripts to deploy one's own instance)


TL;DR: probably among my favourites in the action-JRPG genre, just for how consistently good everything is. None of the systems in isolation are "the best I've ever seen", but for a 35+ hour game, it's nice when everything is smooth and enjoyable.

For context, I have played a decent handful of JRPGs, with my favourites being probably Skies of Arcadia Legends, and Tales of Symphonia. In the Tales series, I've played Symphonia, Symphonia 2, Graces f, (never finished) Phantasia, and (never finished) Vesperia.


The game begins by letting you choose which of 2 protagonists to follow. The game's story is broadly the same, regardless who you choose, but certain scenes are seen from different perspectives, and certain moments are missed if your chosen character is absent. I have opted not to replay with the other character at this time, but the game is good enough that I would if I had more time. I chose the female lead, Milla.

The story itself is...fine. The setup is pretty good, with Milla being an literal avatar of the world's god, whose powers are stripped by an unknown dark force early on. The story then shifts to a fish-out-of-water story for Milla, and a quest to regain her powers and destroy the dark forces. She is joined by Jude (the other - male - protagonist), who initially has no quest, but does want to be helpful to those in trouble.

This brings us to a major highlight of the game - the characters themselves. The story feels more like background dressing for the cast to play off one another in. The skits - a Tales staple - are here, and they are predominantly well-written and performed. And the cast is wholly likeable, and have decent arcs throughout - though there are a couple of head-scratching moments regarding character motivation. I was fond of basically every character by the end, even in the extended cast and bad-guys.

One sticking point I should mention though is, because there are scenes absent from certain protagonist play-throughs, be prepared for a couple of deus ex machina moments, where ostensibly the other protagonist has been busy in the background, but you will not know exactly how or why certain story beats happen unless you replay the other story. It's made doubly-weird where, despite having the skit system for optional additional dialogue, the POV character is never made aware of what happened during certain background story moments. From what I have read online, it seems that the better way to play story-pacing-wise, is to do Jude's story first, then Milla.

Specific examples, spoilers for some major story beatsIn particular, when Muzet is introduced in the Milla storyline, she joins the party in barely 3 sentences explaining who she is and why she's there, despite being a "very important character". There's also a scene near the end of the game where Milla is separated from the group for a time, then teleported directly into a battle with a previously unseen "very important person" in a "magically alternate dimension" and no one explains how or why the rest of the party got there - nor that they killed off a couple other "very important bad guys" in the interim. It's...weird narratively, though excusable thematically as Milla is a very "go-with-the-flow" character, so YMMV.


The combat is fun and really well balanced. The difficulty curve was almost perfect the entire game. I did a little bit of grinding every now and again, but honestly, every time I did, it made the next boss quite easy. I like the "partner system", which allows 2 characters in battle to buff each other, and I liked how your MP is refilled just by doing normal attacks, which meant I never really ran out of magic - this is particularly nice, as the healers are also more-or-less always healing and being useful. The party AI is also pretty good, especially if you spend a moment to fiddle with the strategy and auto-item settings.

There is a very extensive level-up system, split across a skill-tree and buff-pool. I...can't speak much on it, as there is also an auto-level button, which auto-applies nodes on the skill tree, and I used that almost exclusively. However, it's there if you wanted some good character building options. The shop system is also pretty good, and made it perpetually feel like I was accomplishing things and getting stronger.

There are a smattering of side-quests per town. Some were bog-standard "kill this thing, get this item", but there were also several that were self-contained stories and world-building. There isn't a quest marker, so some quests did require me to look up where to go, but I don't consider that a bad thing - more an "I'm impatient"-thing.

Probably more that I forgot to cover, but this is getting long for a first "patient gamer" review, so I'll stop here. This game and Tales of Symphonia are now in contention for my favourite Tales game, so make of that what you will.

submitted 1 year ago by roadrunner_ex to c/main

Hey Admins!

Just because it's been a little while since the links were taken down/de-emphasized, I was just wondering if there's been any movement regarding donations or supporting the server and staff?

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