Be careful with that second sentence. Keep in mind that there's an age everyone experiences, not just white men, where people feel isolated and unheard. Believing that it only applies to young white men is a slippery slope into the mindset that creates these whackjobs.
You can't deny judgment being implied in your statement. It's very clear how you feel so own it. I will say, however, that shitting on "the kids" or zoomers or whatever is not helpful to anyone. We desperately need to be lifting up future generations so they can help us through the shit. Talking about them in the way you do only serves to keep them "lethargic".
The 1950s are part of the 1900s.. same as 1850 was part of the 1800s. They were just being facetious using "1900s" anyway. That will change as we all get older though, eventually it will just be the 1900s.
More that the US has successfully managed to censor entire swaths of history by limiting education (especially in red states) and ensuring that critical thought is not taught or enforced in any meaningful capacity. This is all totally intentional and verifiable. The information is there, but people are literally not ever taught (in academia) to think critically and seek answers to things they are unsure of. It's mostly just memorization until you get the churned to the next year of memorization and if you do dare question any of it you get shit on by peers and teachers alike for being a know it all. It's rare that you find people willing to foster curiosity in children which ultimately blooms into people eating up whatever they're told as truth.
That still doesn't tell me why I should be concerned. Another country having access to good technology doesn't set off alarm bells for me. I guess I need someone to spell out why them being less reliant on the West for tech is concerning. Especially considering how true the opposite has been (in regards to manufacturing) for ages.
Yeah I have literally zero more information lol I'm in the US and feel like I should be concerned because "China" but I'd love a valid reason beyond "they're now capable of sustaining they're own technology".
Why? I'm not super educated on this matter and can't find anything clear on why this would be bad
Yep, that's me too, cis male. My SO will tell you how excited I get when pumpkin spice season starts.
I could be mistaken but I believe they move materials in rock quarries, at least that's what I saw on an episode of some discovery show many years ago. I still think about them regularly too since it's like 3 stories tall and has a stair case to get to the driver seat lol
Booo, that wasn't super clear in the title. My fault. More crap to sift through.
That was 10 years ago. The further we get from "the 1900s" the broader the term will become to include the whole century, much like the 1800s is 1800-1899. I imagine in another 10-20 years it will be more and more common to see this shift when referencing past events.