
joined 2 years ago
[–] 9 points 1 day ago (8 children)

Alright, seriously considering jumping ship to librewolf now. As someone relying on a Mozilla account to store and sync passwords is it still available in librewolf?

[–] 13 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

As much as I celebrate him being dead, I would've enjoyed seeing his live reaction in the current administration, as realpolitik became realitytvpolitik

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

They did. George Lucas handed it to them. Then they scrapped it all.

[–] 23 points 4 days ago

Good riddance

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Blond hair
Red shirt

Hello, Tom Scott...?

[–] 15 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Actually overenginnering is the thing with pre-modern structures, like the bottom bridge here. Survivorship bias played a role, where things they don't build to last, evidently don't last to this day, but mostly it's because they don't really understand the math behind all of it so they take the most conservative and the tried and tested rules of thumb when doing big structures. This is why big projects back then can take decades to complete.

In the modern day, we design specifically to balance durability and cost, and we are confident of our maths and understanding of material science to use the least amount that does the work for the design life that we choose.

[–] 32 points 1 week ago (2 children)

They really should continue the tradition by building a fourth bridge over the current one when the time comes.

[–] 14 points 1 week ago (1 children)

You've heard and known the single-issue voter. Now introducing the single-issue senator.

[–] 16 points 1 week ago


[–] 25 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Must be why cats bring their catches to their humans, to them we're just giant kitties in their colony who suck at hunting.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Pot and kettle

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Also with NOAA neutered, the Antarctic ice wall will no longer be guarded. Now cats can knock stuff over the edge of flat earth. /s


inb4 there's conflicting information from listicles online. I don't care. Mentour Pilot says KLIA is #1 and I'll die on that tower. Kthnxbai

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

backup img

I'm feeling this with the full contents of my gut


We got most of pop media, academic journals, and books covered, but what about photographic media?



  1. ‘Incantation’ (2022)
  2. ‘The Maid’ (2005)
  3. ‘Rigor Mortis’ (2013)
  4. ‘Noroi: The Curse’ (2005)
  5. ‘Roh’ (2019)

183 years ago, to the date


cross-posted from:

Related to the Bunga Mas^1:

According to a Kedah source, the first time a bunga mas was sent, it was sent as a toy for a new-born Thai prince who was the grandson of Sultan of Kedah himself since his kin, a princess was married to the Thai king^1.

This then set the precedence of Malay Sultans being "required" one way or another to send Bunga Mas to Siam. The culmination of the meme is the Siamese invasion of Kedah in 1821^2 partly due to the Sultan ceasing sending bunga mas, making Kedah Sultanate, the progenitor of the practice, existn't for a time.

* This is a Malay expression meaning paying interests. The principal is the pokok (tree) and the interest is the bunga (blossoms).


Related to the Bunga Mas^1:

According to a Kedah source, the first time a bunga mas was sent, it was sent as a toy for a new-born Thai prince who was the grandson of Sultan of Kedah himself since his kin, a princess was married to the Thai king^1.

This then set the precedence of Malay Sultans being "required" one way or another to send Bunga Mas to Siam. The culmination of the meme is the Siamese invasion of Kedah in 1821^2 partly due to the Sultan ceasing sending bunga mas, making Kedah Sultanate, the progenitor of the practice, existn't for a time.


What things you discovered on your own, that is actually already known and named for a long time? For example, you observe a phenomenon, you write it down, but didn't look it up further for lack of words. Years later, you chance upon the exact same thing on Wikipedia.


I mean, I wanted to start work on it, but if someone's already released/working on one then I'd just happily use those instead.

Also, the absence of a thing usually means it's not possible to have. In my mind I think it's easy to have userscript code make API posts on behalf of the user, but maybe somehow in the intricate layers of tech it's made impossible or tedious. If so, I'd like to know before I learn it the hard way.

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