In a similar thread years ago there was a recommendation for Exofficio brand which I bought a few of to try out and have since replaced all of my underwear with. Their boxer briefs are fantastic.
I've ran GNOME for years until this month. Something randomly broke and then on fresh install the dark theme wasn't working correctly. Switched to KDE and everything looks and works perfectly. Think I'll hang out here for the foreseeable future.
I have hard water as well and like this one: which I've used for last 10 months so far; fairly easy to clean the bottom where residue tries to build up
I only use it for boiling though; I use this pot for brewing:
We replaced ours with a refurbished business desktop, installed Linux and Jellyfin then use with a wireless keyboard with built-in track pad
Plays media great, emulates up to Wii and can use for general web browsing too
I work at a computer and find it easier to continue using a screen for reading
However I do also purchase some paper books for when wanting to disconnect for a while
Thank you; looks like it turned out pretty good!
Yesss, we hid some of these this year with a cash prize for those that found them:
Finally made it over to the in-laws to replace a ceiling fan that had stopped working
Sounds cool; pictures please!
Started using this one recently and am loving it