I'm based at India. There is so much competition here that I find, in the system itself, there is extreme deception. eg. To repair laptop hinges, one just has to make sure that metal and plastic is stuck together and things aren't broken. That's an easy task which can be done in half an hour. Yet, even if the repairing person is free, he'll tell you that it would take 5 hours so you keep the laptop and go away. Then he'd do the work and pose as if it's super difficult. He just has to apply some adhesive.
Everyone presents here as if solutions cannot be implemented without them and they charge higher than normal amounts as if there's no tomorrow. Issue is that these people itself in the system are trying to make repairing tougher for you. Ofc, it's just flawed capitalism at work!
The whole way of capitalism is, there's problem xyz. If you want it solved for you, pay me Rs.1000. If someone solves it for free, he stays broke. The posers of problem win, the solvers of problem lose. That's capitalism. Sometimes, the solvers of the problem are themselves the posers of the problem.