
joined 11 months ago
[–] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I would love to find a Bill Watterson one, if anyone knows.

Here you go, I'll throw in some bonus ones as they're all linked together in the Bloom County sidebar:

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (4 children)

The Arch wiki may have some ideas for you - tl;dr is that GDM uses a global dconf db over in /etc/ and this might be the root of your problem (these configs might not get cleaned up with a --purge?) I'm a LightDM user so best I can do to help:

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

Quick update for anyone still reading this thread: As with any other app, we flagged Fennec and Mull with KnownVuln until the app is updated. Contributors fixed the issues that delayed versions 130 and later. Stand by for the build.

[–] 43 points 4 months ago (2 children)

A bit of backstory on how we got here - in June 2024 Mozilla chose to (a) integrate the source tree of Firefox Mobile into their huge monorepo ("gecko-dev"), and (b) move the source off of Github onto their own git servers ("Mozilla Central"). You can read about it in the now-archived old repo:

This was then compounded by a core Android build kit ("NDK") choosing to remove parts of the toolchain which is/was used to build Firefox releases (ergo, forcing another change to build process):

Together these have caused a bit of a kerfuffle in getting new releases compiled and released via the official F-Droid methodology. See the other comment about the Mull version in their private repo, they're having to use a Mozilla pre-built clang (a compiler toolchain) now to make it work for the time being.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago (1 children)

The link(s) to add their F-Droid repo if not running DivestOS:

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

One of the links from here led me to which has a lot of really nice examples of colour palettes and schemes for simple yet eye pleasing results.

[–] 12 points 5 months ago

Along this line of thinking, I use Lemmy and Mastodon as complementary rather than competing, but not in the way people want/use X/Bluesky. Lemmy (reddit) is great for the use as you outline, Mastodon (and Pixelfed) supply a visual experience if you make it work that way and don't expect/want an X like experience (so think more Instagram). Lemmy lacks multireddits which could solve some of this Mastodon use case, on reddit I have a multireddit named "Gallery" which combines a dozen picture-only subreddits.

One can follow hashtags like #photography or #catsofmastodon, discover like-minded profiles who only post pictures and minimal talk/chatter (a lot of actual skilled photographers are present) and follow those profiles. It provides an experience that rounds out Lemmy, but I do admit I would love a "gallery" like view in the apps to streamline the hashtag viewing (Pixelfed does this specifically, but people are spread all over the planet - Mastodon proper pulls in federated data easier, IMHO)

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

To try and bake down the complex answers, if you are basically familiar with PGP or SSH keys the concept of a Passkey is sort of in the same ballpark. But instead of using the same SSH keypair more than once, Passkeys create a new keypair for every use (website) and possibly every device (e.g. 2 phones using 1 website may create 2 sets of keypars, one on each device) - and additionally embeds the username (making it "one-click login"):

  • creating a passkey is the client and server establishing a ring of trust ("challenge") and then generating a public and private pair of keys (think ssh-keygen ...)
  • embedded in the keypair is the user ID/username and credential ID, which sort of maps to the three fields of a SSH keypair (encryption type, key, userid optional in SSH keys) but not really, think concept not details
  • when using a passkey, the server sends the client a "challenge", the client prompts the user to unlock the private key (device PIN, biometric, Bitwarden master password, etc.)
  • the "challenge" (think crypto math puzzle) is signed with the private key and returned to the server along with the username and credential ID
  • the server, who has stored the public key, looks it up using the username + credential ID, then verifies the signature somewhat like SSH or PGP does
  • like SSH or PGP, this means the private key never leaves the device/etc. being used by the client and is used to only sign the crypto math puzzle challenge

The client private key is stored hopefully in a secure part of the phone/laptop ("enclave" or TPM hardware module) which locks it to that device; using a portable password manager instead such as Bitwarden is attractive since the private keys are stored in BW's data (so can be synced across devices, backed up, etc.)

They use the phrase "replay" a lot to mean that sending the same password to a website is vulnerable to it being intercepted and used n+1 times (hacker); in the keypair model this doesn't happen because each "challenge" is a unique crypto math puzzle generated dynamically every use, like TOTP/2FA but "better" because there's no simple hash seed (TOTP/2FA use a constant seed saved by the client but it's not as robust crypto).

[–] 7 points 5 months ago

(x-posted comment) There’s a MV3 alternate (same dev!) “uBlock Origin Lite” which this article completely misses out on mentioning:

There are certain websites and tools which need chrome/chromium making it a necessary evil; for example there’s a new trend in firmware flashing of devices like ESP32 boards and HAM/GMRS radios which are web based and use Chrome tech. This new MV3 fork isn’t as good as the original but it’s better than nothing and does stop some ad trash.

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