Do you use nebula? Do you know if it uses DRM? I'm considering a subscription for a while but couldn't find proper answer for that.
I wish I could rely on Patreon and user funding only. That would be the dream, and if Patreon reached the same amount of money monthly as YouTube ads, I would disable ads on my channel (if that’s still even possible?). The reality though, is that we’re not even close to that yet, and so for now, I need ads, and sponsors to pay the bills.
so it is not the case always.
Though IMO if I don't act based on an ad, the purpose of the ad is defeated and hence effectively the ad is blocked. There are ways to 'clickjack' or 'show' ads without actually seeing it, my proposal is a simplified version of that. I have never done those 'ad viewing' tricks because they are complicated, and probably not suitable for people outside the tech bubble anyway. Also disabling blockers like ubo on a regular browsing session for any website has privacy and potentially security implication, not to mention requirement of using a non blocking dns for the said session.
Patreon is great, I'm talking about the gratis option. I personally have no 'guilt' regarding ad blockers and I don't remember last time I saw ad (except on other people's devices) online^1^. The question was about convincing people to use ad blocker or alt clients who do not want to or can't afford to pay creators directly.
^1^ excluding sponsorship in videos.. I do not use sponsorblock and I found sponsored contents from some channels useful.
I find TV annoying for a while. Though not adhd specific but background music (any music, not the 'chill beats' lol) can help focus sometimes for some, including me.
Totally not fbi, but will he be in that live stream this monday?
A software analogy:
Someone designs a compiler, makes it open source. Make an open runtime for it. 'Obtain' some source code with unclear license. Compiles it with the compiler and releases the compiled byte code that can run with the runtime on free OS. Do you call the program open source? Definitely it is more open than something that requires proprietary inside use only compiler and closed runtine and sometimes you can't access even the binary; it runs on their servers. It depends on perspective.
ps: the compiler takes ages and costs mils in hardware.
edit: typo
I kinda liked the app. A while ago I had access to a machine with base image containing paint 3d. I used to play with it sometimes when I'm boared and connected to that computer. Needless to say I didn't do any 3d works in it though.
Edit: I didn't provision it so don't know if that was intentional or came with windows installation by default. These were some throwaway test machines so nobody cared.
Why your screenshot looks more beautiful than usual greentexts?
edit: is it a custom font?
most honest privacy policy.
It doesn't matter if the code is open here. Depending on what your company does, it might be cheaper to buy ready to use products by some vendor than paying software/sysadmin guys to review, deploy and maintain. It can be even required by law. Needless to say there are many software vendors selling contract for open software, either hosted or fully deployed and supported. Still in many fields like medical due to vendor lock ins there aren't many feature complete open software and you need the programs to be reliable, usable by non technical people and virtually unchanged over long time. To provide these guarantees without depending on proprietary vendors means to make your own software company (and perhaps open up your work not to become just another closed software) and nobody does that.
Security works kinda the same. But in these contexts if someone uses privacy and security together like this it's probably just bs.