
joined 2 years ago
[–] shadysus 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

more difficult than that iirc

Jewelers use magnification to read the laser inscription on the rocks and trust what it says. Most jewelers don't have the equipment to detect the trace gasses and impurities that identify mined rocks.

It's possible to make lab grown gems with those impurities, but you end up with the shittier product that is mined diamonds

[–] shadysus 6 points 3 months ago

I never had an account. I saw the text elsewhere and searched for the original source


Post is from Xitter, so I copied it below

All the takes are correct and yet they also miss the point.

Yes, it was insane for the Democrats to think they could win by running a soulless candidate, without a shred of progressive policy vision, pursuing endorsements from neocon war-hawks everybody hates, while arming and funding a genocide, and belittling and crushing those who have enough morality to protest it.  It is enraging that the Democrats are so smug and blind to this.

But these are all just symptoms.  The deeper reality is that liberalism has failed, liberalism is dead, and people urgently need to wake up to this fact and respond accordingly. It is a defunct ideology that cannot offer any meaningful solutions to our social and ecological crises and it must be abandoned.

Democrats have proven over and over again that they cannot accept even basic steps like public healthcare, affordable housing, and a public job guarantee - things that would dramatically improve the material, social and political conditions of the working classes. And they cannot accept a public finance strategy that would steer production away from fossil fuels and toward green transition to give us a shot at a liveable future.

Why? Because these things run against the objectives of capital accumulation. And for liberals capital is sacrosanct. They will do whatever it takes to ensure elite accumulation, it is their only consistent commitment.  At home, they suppress and demonize progressive and socialist tendencies. Abroad, they engage in endless wars and violence to suppress input prices in the global South and prevent any possibility of sovereign economic development.

The Democrats have done all this purposefully and knowingly, for my whole life, not as some kind of "mistake" but in full consciousness that it is in the interests of capital.

And because liberalism cannot address our crises, and because it crushes socialist alternatives, it inevitably paves the way for right-wing populism.  They know this pattern, and yet they risk it every time - this election being only the most recent example. They did it in 2016, when they actively crushed the Sanders campaign and sent Trump to the White House. They do it because ultimately they (and I mean the liberal ruling class here) don't really mind if fascists take power, so long as the latter too ensure the conditions for capital accumulation. They 100% prefer this to the possibility of a socialist alternative.

So, progressives have to face reality. The dream of "converting" the Democratic party is dead. This is now a fact and it must be accepted. The only option is to build a mass-based movement that can reclaim the working classes and mobilize a political vehicle that can integrate disparate progressive struggles into a unified and formidable political force and achieve substantive transformation. This will take real work, actual organizing, but it must be done and that process must begin now.


[–] shadysus 1 points 3 months ago

I made a separate post for the article. You can read it here:

[–] shadysus 1 points 3 months ago

I did not see the rules, I have deleted this post.

[–] shadysus 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I am making a separate post for the related Fifth Estate documentary, but you can watch it here

How donors could use the war in Gaza to swing the U.S. election | The Fifth Estate


cross-posted from:

Earlier today I came across a Reddit comment with a link to an Instagram post. The link had ?igsh= at the end.

When I clicked on the link, I got this popup. It had a name and profile photo that was different from that of the post being shared.

Join Firstname Lastname on Instagram

See photos, videos, and more from Firstname Lastname.

[ Open Instagram ]

not now

I avoid link trackers. However, I did not realize it was this bad.

To my knowledge, TikTok does the same thing and lists the name of the person that shared the link. Assuming this increases engagement, any website could enable such a feature, even on old links that you shared in the past.

You should manually remove any trackers before sharing, or use an app for it.


Earlier today I came across a Reddit comment with a link to an Instagram post. The link had ?igsh= at the end.

When I clicked on the link, I got this popup. It had a name and profile photo that was different from that of the post being shared.

Join Firstname Lastname on Instagram

See photos, videos, and more from Firstname Lastname.

[ Open Instagram ]

not now

I avoid link trackers. However, I did not realize it was this bad.

To my knowledge, TikTok does the same thing and lists the name of the person that shared the link. Assuming this increases engagement, any website could enable such a feature, even on old links that you shared in the past.

You should manually remove any trackers before sharing, or use an app for it.


I don't see options in the settings, such as

  • Receive an email when an account posts to Mastodon.
  • Receive an email when there is a new post in a Lemmy community.

Android phones for example

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by shadysus to c/ubc

This post was originally written by u/KareemHassib, who gave the ok to share it here!

The writ has dropped and BC's provincial election is fully underway!

For students living in Vancouver or on-campus but are originally from other regions of BC, you can vote in either your hometown's riding or in your campus/living residence's riding.

For students who are from outside of BC (but still from Canada), as long as you've been a resident of BC for more than 6 months, you can vote!

And because I've seen some confusion about this, although the age of majority in BC is 19, the voting age is 18 for all elections (municipal, provincial, federal).

For those of you voting in Vancouver-Point Grey (which includes UBC, Point Grey, and most of Kitsilano), here’s where we can vote on/near campus:

Early voting:

The Nest (Oct 15-16)

University Golf Club (Oct 10-13, 15-16)

Voting Day (Oct 19):

The Nest

UHill Secondary School

To register to vote go to:

For a full list of voting locations across BC:


[–] shadysus 1 points 5 months ago

I wanted to post here instead of on reddit. Reddit is large, and astroturfing on Reddit can affect everyone


Where the bias isn't obvious until you spend time on them.

The first examples I can think of are r/Canada and r/WorldNews

[–] shadysus 41 points 6 months ago (11 children)

I'm not vegan but I respect people for wanting a space to discuss. is defederated from most of lemmy, but these communities are accessible and they are located on other instances. what communities do you prefer?

[–] shadysus 41 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (5 children)

Well that's one way to see it.

The company has attracted controversy for reports of political corruption, cronyism, fraud, financial manipulation, and exploitation of its customers, Indian citizens, and natural resources.[11][119][13][14][120] The chairman of Reliance Industries, Mukesh Ambani, has been described as a plutocrat

8 subsections for 'Criticism and Controversies'

[–] shadysus 88 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (6 children)

The statement was that Jewish people would not be safe anywhere without Israel

There are Jewish people living safely in many parts of the world, and those people are protected and loved by the communities they live as a part of.

The irony is that the statement was made to Jewish people in such a community outside of Israel. The other bit of irony is that statements like this are further divisions. Divisions that make life unsafe for everyone

[–] shadysus 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (11 children)

I'm not American and not the commentor, I'm observing from far away.

I agree, people should vote for the best possible candidate. Even single issue voters. The alternative is worse for this single issue. If I was American, I'd vote strategically like people on this thread are saying.


There are Americans that had friends, family members, and colleagues killed in this conflict, and they can't stomach going to the polls and voting for Biden after how he's acted throughout this conflict. I won't hold it against those people for not voting.

I can't even imagine what it would be like to have that happen and be told "go vote for him anyways". As true as it might be, it's not my place.

[–] shadysus 11 points 1 year ago

Which parts of it?

I don't think Netanyahu orchestrated it if that matters. Same idea as Bush

We should investigate when leadership benefits from a tragedy. We should investigate the decisions that allowed a tragedy to take place. That's how we prevent future tragedies

[–] shadysus 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Sorry, I will highlight the important bit

Removed from power through legal means, by the people they state they represent. Removing either group with violence will beget more violence. A new entity with the same ideology will fill the gap.

Hamas as an organization has its own problems, and they share a lot of the same issues as Likud. They both hold on to power through violence and fear.

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