I have a risk mitigation strategy for them which ought not to be novel, but sadly seems to be, which could probably bring this risk down to statistically insignificant for most of these people. Don't build your business on amassing obscene amounts of wealth via trampling the rights and dignity of millions of people who are only one bad week away from destitution and having all they've struggled their entire lives to build stripped from them, who have literally nothing to lose when it all goes pear shaped. Consider not only the financial, but the social costs of your actions.
The executive and financial elites of this world seem to have forgotten that humans are animals, and an animal backed into a corner is at its most dangerous, prone to lashing out in unpredictable ways.
Even ignoring P2P predecessors to torrenting like Kazaa or Napster, there was still piracy early on. I guess it counts as piracy adjacent, but I got started buying bootleg anime boxsets off ebay, because the actual boxsets were like $200/season, and minimum wage was under $7/hour when I started, but I could get the same season on three DVDs from Hong Kong for $30. It wasn't too long after that, I found out about fansubs and started spending far too much time on IRC, downloading anime, manga and music off XDCC bots. I wasn't allowed to use bittorrent on the family machine, because "That's like Kazaa, we'll get sued into ruin," but those bots in fansub group channels were fine, especially since it wasn't immediately apparent looking at mIRC that I had one running too.