before you say "fuck this, fuck you"
before you say "fuck this, fuck you"
It's the same reason why U-M B-N is human being
Sata andagi
Happy cake day! I just also recently had mine. There must be dozens of us who joined this time last year. Unfortunately RiF never became a Lemmy client but Connect for Lemmy is good.
Asiallista. Tuo coop on siis se kuparioluen manttelinperijä? Veikkauksia em-voittajasta?
Vähä erilaista tällä kertaa. Yksikseni juon baarissa cocktaileja ja poltan sikareita. Maittavaa on. Vähä viileän puoleinen ilma näin illasta.
Dedikoitu palvelin kuulostaa asialliselta. Onko tuolla matrixin puolella minkälaista juttelua? Tähän sopuliin liittyvää?
EDIT: tuli ylimääräinen kysymysmerkki mukaan niin poistin sen :D
Enjoy your drink 😄 Hyvää juhannusta! Glad midsommar!
I was browsing my comment history and stumbled upon this so I decided to finally open the bottle of Besk. Very strange taste. I wasn't expecting anything like this. Doesn't taste similar to other supposedly wormwood infused liquors like absinthe or vermouth. I've never tasted anything like this. Sort of minty note in bitter flavor I can't describe. This is certainly not my favorite bitter but if I was ever offered one I would happily drink it.
At first I read SIMD bucks and I thought they must take optimizing code seriously.
Everything is enshittification. And you better like GNU/Linux, or else...