I think that's a different kettle of fish. You try telling AWS (or perhaps more relevantly Palantir) they can't use a VPN to gate access to internal systems and you'll have a much bigger fight. And once it's permissable in some contexts, then it becomes much harder to gatekeep it even in contexts that you do legally forbid, since you can't just blanket ban it at ISP level. Of course, I suppose you could enforce that ISPs blacklist certain VPN providers, but... Yeah anyway it becomes too tangled once you're beyond the legislation phase and enforcement becomes a nightmare is what I guess I'm trying to say.
Good luck with banning something that's an integral part of most large enterprises' internal security practices
mRNA vaccines are, of course, just the absolute tits - but they're a tiny proportion of modern vaccines and the very first ones are one a few years old, created to treat COVID. But yeah, 100%, we don't use the virus in the vaccine! Even the first ever vaccine was (as you will know) not created from the disease it was meant to treat, but from one similar enough that it gave protection to the other. And smallpox doesn't exist any more so, well, that worked out pretty well didn't it. You don't give someone the virus to stop them getting that virus, but you might well give them a virus, in an attenuated form of the target
I remember hearing about somewhere - alphabet or meta or something like that - that basically provided adult crèche facilities for the employees. Way beyond just food - On-site nap rooms. Washing machines. Showers. The works. All to enable just a super unhealthy attitude towards work. Thinking about how much that must've affected anyone going there straight after uni when they should have been leaning how to look after themselves makes me shudder with cringe
Yeah, London is a big one for it. Sounds bad until you realise that the reason it's so high relative to the US is because they don't have access to guns.
The Cure remains an absolute diamond of a band, and Robert Smith's voice is so good. I've only seen them play live once but it was incredible. Musically almost nobody else from the 80s touches them for me. Tears for fears had some pretty great numbers though
As nature intended
There's always some percentage of people who are ignorant of global issues and want to stay out of things... You'd think they were Farage voters but actually they usually don't vote
I upvoted one and downvoted the other four balance
Try that count on each of 5 separate browser window. Amaeteur. I exaggerate, of course. Only a couple have that many tabs. I actually closed a window today - it only had 8 tabs - and opened a new one with more tabs from the references of the pages I closed. Eventually I will read the internet.