Unpopular opinion: many terminally online people greatly overestimate how well they communicate over email/chat, and some of them are in this thread
Could be carved from a branch. Would be in character.
Ditto. Cancelled two this past September/October when they asked how much you’d be willing to pay if MTX was removed, then promptly raised membership prices and made MTX purchases worth even less (keys to USD ratio). Been playing since 2003 but fuck everything they’ve become.
(I didn’t downvote you, just fyi, don’t know why someone would)
I personally have no issues with x11 if i’m using just one monitor, but if I use two or more I have nothing but issues. I am a tired sysadmin and don’t want to fight my personal equipment at home.
Check out some of their re-recordings under their new moniker ‘96 Bitter Beings’. Really great mixes of a few of these by CKY.
That’s what I’ve read as well. The real kicker is Rust runs better for me on Linux. I’m pretty sure Facepunch heavily funded EAC’s development too. Garry’s kind of a bitter cunt about playing on Linux for whatever reason.
Return to Hellview - 96 Bitter Beings
All re-recordings, but man is it so noticeable the difference in quality from the originals.
I am conflicted about this one. I really miss playing Rust (uses EAC).. wish there was a way to toggle the kernel level anticheat when I wanted to play.
Definitely was in the rural, redneck school I went to.
Might have been Reksmore. They added handcuffs and a headbag recently. For wholesome adventures, of course.
Something ornery cause of all them teeth