Yup, and he also vaccinated his children as soon as they were old enough to qualify. He wants his voters dumb, trapped, and desperate, not his family.
It’s also worth expanding on this by noting that 35% of the debt is debt from one government agency to another. Another 34% is held by various financial institutions who use it as a protection against financial risk as even if the market crashes they’ll still have a basically guaranteed (and now very valuable) asset to cash out to keep their customers safe, while only 24% is held by people, institutions, and governments outside the United States.
Together we’ve just gone over 93% of the national debt.
Also, they way we paid off this debt last time was that 50% effective corporate tax rate and a 91% top income tax rate during the 40s, 50s, and 60s, which as we all know was a really terrible time for the American economy./s
Does Canada have any actual experience with the high enrichment necessitated by navel reactors? I thought half the point of the CANDU reactor was its very low enrichment. Otherwise the options would be either conventional or French.
Except NATO already has had nukes stationed closer to Moscow the any point in Ukraine for decades?
Because local tv broadcasters tend to have exclusive rights to cover their local teams. These locals also tend to be the ones actually filming and cuting the feed, but will sell their feed to more major providers on the condition that they don’t compete for the same viewers.
For some reason major streaming providers don’t exactly advertise that the best way to watch your local team is with you’re own antenna.
Is the moon not a globe?
In case a group of certain someone’s need to make a strategic withdrawal back to Moscow.
I can say that while I near exclusively use the subscriptions feed to start browsing, and will add interesting videos from it to the watch later list, once i’m nearing the end of a video I’ll often choose from the recommended videos on that video rather than going back to the subscriptions page.
A lot of game publishers have micro transaction gambling, most don’t have a mult-million dollar real money casino’s built on their infrastructure and a business model based on teenagers watching CSGO gambling streams.
Tax breaks for the farmers working the fields, or tax breaks for the international corporations and land speculators that own nearly all the fields?
+1 for FS multi mode fiber, it’s worked well enough for me.
I know FS’s SFP-10GMSR-85 (Intel) (formerly SFP-10GSR-85) works in my Mikrotik CRS317-1G-16S+, but don’t know either way about the Ubiquiti transceivers.
I’m afraid I dont have any real experience with fiber keystones one way or the other.
I will say that if you have the space in the run or are opening up walls, help out you’re future self and run it in some smurf tube, though obviously that’s not always possible without massively expanding the amount of drywall work.
Ya, zombies tend to be a really popular disaster to workshop a response to because planning a response to them can basically involve close collaboration between any group of agencies at all levels of government/healthcare.