
joined 5 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I recommend you read some history. Many popular uprisings have been led by women at the forefront. That organized workers movements gave them little space/autonomy (much like for non-white people) is undeniable, but to say that worker struggles were a "men's right movement" is a REALLY far stretch.

I'm not from the USA but for example there two major figures of the workers movement in late 19th century / early 20th were Emma Goldman and Lucy Parsons. That they've been mostly erased from history books tells more about who writes/distributes the books and their agenda than about a perceived lack of women in social struggles.

For example, when it comes to anarchism people usually recommend reading Kropotkin/Bakunin/Proudhon, slipping under the carpet the many theoretical contributions of women. If only to name one, read Emma Goldman ;)

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Where can i download it? I could not find a torrent ^^

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

If you're into golang, looks like a decent library (i played around with it but nothing serious). It's evolving rather quickly although it's still lacking behind in features, but the maintainer is friendly and very welcome to devs using the library to find out the pain points and missing features.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

In Android land Java is the go-to language. But there's already an abundance of XMPP clients on Android. Do you have ideas for specific features you would like to develop in particular that you could not find in an existing client?

[–] 12 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I think the rest of the thread has good arguments on the topic, but the main idea is that regulations around sex work mostly impact sex workers and not the client. Even the criminalization of clients results in bad outcomes for the workers, so if you'd like to frame prostitution as a question of workers rights and public health, it's important to center the debate around the experiences and problems of sex workers themselves.

To paraphrase someone else, as long as money exist there will be sex work. The question is what kind of labor conditions do we want for the sex workers?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

In France most police officers who committed abuse and sticked through the entire process are in fact promoted. There's a "meme" (not a graphical gag) about murderous police officers from northern France being relocated to sunny mediterranean parts as a thank you for abusing the population, and there's some historical truth to that.

By abusing the population, a cop fulfills their duty to the State. If they can successfully stick to their version of the story and support the police/State apparatus while under media pressure and scrutiny, they have successfully demonstrated their loyalty to the powers in place. That's why you often see cops who orchestrated massive abuse being promoted to higher ranks in the hierarchy in the next years.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I go for "more". Any device manufactured today should be under legal warranty for 20+ years, and should be reparable for at least another 20 after that. That's the only way to combat the current electronic waste problem (and it's a HUUUUUUUGE problem).

[–] 9 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Yes but it's not just that. Is it easy to replace the battery? The screen? To replace broken connectors? Is the device itself robust to begin with?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yeah it's even a classic trope in such cases of police/military abuse...

[–] 10 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I think homeschooling is the wrong answer to a real problem. Most schools are broken by design, they're conceived to teach obedience and form docile workers, not to develop personality. But homeschooling can cut you from the realities of socializing with other kids... i've certainly met a few individuals who were homeschooled and had trouble adapting to social life.

But why would a school have to be that bad? Can't we have liberatory schools where children are treated as persons not objects?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Good point, but unfortunately recycling materials is really hard processes. Most IT materials cannot be recycled (at least with current techniques), and to extract the "recyclable" materials requires considerable amounts of harmful/polluting chemicals. For example, extracting gold from electronics is a common practice in electronic landfills, but the process isn't eco-friendly.

I'm not saying extracting new resources is better for the environment, far from it. I'm just saying the situation is real bad currently.

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

We can! There's an entire research field of "green IT" dedicated to that. However, there is 0 practical industrial application because the industry is focused on performance, not recyclability. Recyclable computers would probably be bigger and heavier, and we may not have 4k ultra-portable devices, but i personally think the tradeoff is worthwhile.


Is this about bending gender roles or about cheering for military institutions who employ women? I'm so to say more comfortable with one option than the other.

PS: For context, the only 2 posts in this sub are propaganda pictures of women soldiers from Russia and some asian (not sure which country) military.


It's nice and all to focus on what's happening in Ukraine because Putin's rule is truly horrifying for those who defy the norms (queers, anarchists..) but let's not forget there is war elsewhere.

Such as in Yemen, where the Saudis (long-time petro-allies of the USA) have been bombing the local population and committing horrendous crimes for years... all with the nice and friendly help from western powers selling weapons and performing drone strikes on civilians.

From the article:

Children are the “first and most to suffer”, UNICEF said, adding that at least 10,000 minors have been killed or injured since 2015, when the Saudi-led military alliance launched air raids in the Middle East’s poorest country.

Hundreds of thousands of people have died as a direct or indirect consequence of Yemen’s war between the Iran-backed Houthi rebels and government forces backed by the Saudi-led military coalition.

PS: Does someone have a link for the ex-US-inteligence operatives investigated for working on political repression for Saudi intelligence? i remember reading about it on HN (because one of them "came clean" when he realized how he was being "used") but can't find the source now

submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by to c/

I mean we could be critical of some lyrics, i'm not saying otherwise. But claiming socialism is about supporting war efforts from one of the biggest empires on earth run by an ex-secret-service operative... that's a major shift in direction!


Below, a quick translation of the article:

This sunday february 27t, our friend Libre Flot [free flow] has decided to start a hunger strike while he is still imprisoned and held in isolation in the prison of Bois d'Arcy. We share a communique from him, to share widely.


For more than 14 months i have refuted this infamous and defamatory accusation of criminal/terrorist association.

For more than 14 months, the DGSI [secret services] has told me i was not arrested for what they wanted me to believe, that is my involvement with the armed kurdish forces against Daech in Rojava.

For more than 14 months, nothing validates the theory elaborated out of thin air by the DGSI, despite for at least 10 months being followed, tracked and under surveillance 24/24 in my vehicle, my residence, spied upon even in my own bed.

For more than 14 months i understand that it's my political opinions and my participation with the kurdish forces of YPG in the struggle against Daech that they try to criminalize.

For more than 14 months they accuse 7 persons, who don't even all know one another, of being a criminal association.

For more than 14 months, i have answered the questions of a judge using the same insidious techniques as the DGSI: manipulation, decontextualisation, omission, and invention of words and actions in the attempt to influence answers.

For more than 14 months, i endure the provocations of this same judge who, while i'm rotting in the cages of the Republic, dares to say this case is a waste of his time in the fight against terrorism. Even worse, he dares the most unacceptable insult by refering to the barbarians of the Islamic State as my « friends from Daech ». Although it's only spoken words, it's still an incredible violent act. It's inadmissible that this judge takes the right to insult me in this manner, slanders me, and spits on the memory of my comrades and friends, kurdish, arabs, assyrians, turkmen, aermanians, turks and internationals fallen in the fight against this organization. I remain to this day scandalized!

For more than 14 months, this partial [biased] investigation has seen the judge, contrary to his role, only building a case against, and never in defense. He does not even consider what falls out of the pre-established scenario and only serves to validate a fake personality formed from A to Z by the DGSI, which is far from representing me and only reflects the paranoid fantasies of this political police. Thus, they always present me as « the charismatic leader » despite any non-horizontal mode of organization is contrary to my egalitarian principles.

For more than 14 months, i've been imprisoned without a trial and i've faced terrible conditions: life in isolation (see my letters from March and June 2021) is considered "white torture", an inhumane or degrading treatment by several instances of human rights.

For more than 14 months, i've been buried alive in an infernal and permanent solitude without anyone to talk to, just being able to contemplate the crumbling of my intellectual capacity and the degradation of my physical state, and all of that without benefiting from any psychological support.

After giving under fakely-neutral pretenses some fallacious arguments to the prison administration to ensure i would remain in isolation, the judge asks for rejecting my demand to be released, just like the national anti-terrorist parquet [tribunal]. To this end, they take in almost copy/paste the report from DGSI dated February 7th 2020, the basis for all this case, whose information we don't know where they come from and whose veracity has not been demonstrated. We're entitled to wonder what use were the taps, the surveillance, the microphones, and these two years of investigation since the facts that debunk DGSI's dishonest construction are hidden.

The national anti-terrorist parquet and the judge never cease to try and instill confusion and create conflation with islamic terrorists, although they know quite well i have fought against the Islamic State, for example during the liberation of Raqqa, where the attacks of November 13th [2015] had been planned.

The judge pretends to fear that i inform imaginary people of my situation, despite this situation being public notably because the DGSI or the anti-terrorist parquet themselves have leaked the information from the very first day. It pretends in this manner to prevent any pressure on witnesses, victims and their families, all the while there are no witness, no victim because there is no act. This is crazy. He also mentions his fear of a coordination between the people investigated in this case, even though all these other co-accused have been freed, he has not interrogated anyone beside me since october 2021, and that i waited patiently for him to finish questioning me to push forward my request for liberation.

I could be comical in other circumstances to witness the use of ordinary facts of life in a criminal case against someone such as: enjoying my right to circulate freely across France and Europe, my lifestyle, my political opinions, my sports practices, my taste for militant rap or kurdish music.

The judge attacks my mom by designating her as not being a valid guarantee [that i will not flee], for the simple reason she did not prevent her 33 year-old son to join the Kurdish forces of YPG in the fight against Daech. Once again, it's my participation in this conflict that's being criminalized. They also reproach her to use encrypted apps (Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram...) like millions of people do in France. Finally, he refuses an entire bloc of all other options for guarantees (work, housing...) without having anything to criticize, despite the SPIP [prison and conditional-freedom administration] workers whose job it is, have rendered a positive opinion.

How then can we understand that after asking for investigation of the possibility to free me have underlined the possibility of me wearing an electronic tag, the judge of Freedom and Detention despite this report refuses to implement it? We are many people witnessing in this case that « justice » violates its own laws and is subdued to the political agenda of the DGSI.

I recently learned from the same director of detention in the prison of Bois d'Arcy, who i thank for being honest, that my imprisonment and keeping in isolation were decided from the first day by very high-ranked people and no matter what i say and no matter what he says or do, nothing would change, this is above him, the requests won't even be read and i will remain in isolation and nothing will ever change before the presidential elections [spring 2022].

Since they try to criminalize militants who fought with the Kurds against Daech,

Since they use pre-trial detention in the goal of punishing political opinions,

Since this case only exists for the aim of political manipulation,

Since today they leave me with the only perspective of the slow destruction of my being,

I am declaring i am on hunger strike since sunday february 27th 2022 at 6pm. At this time i only ask for my immediate liberation, before i can prove [in front of a tribunal] the fallacious side of this shameful accusation.

Libre Flot.

Because our friend Libre Flot still rots in isolation for more than 14 months and he chose to strike back with a hunger strike, let's not leave him alone in this dirty political game. It's now that it's necessary to show our support, by spreading his word and by any means possible!

We will not wait without reaction for the next elections so that they finally free him!


Below, a quick translation of the article:

This sunday february 27t, our friend Libre Flot [free flow] has decided to start a hunger strike while he is still imprisoned and held in isolation in the prison of Bois d'Arcy. We share a communique from him, to share widely.


For more than 14 months i have refuted this infamous and defamatory accusation of criminal/terrorist association.

For more than 14 months, the DGSI [secret services] has told me i was not arrested for what they wanted me to believe, that is my involvement with the armed kurdish forces against Daech in Rojava.

For more than 14 months, nothing validates the theory elaborated out of thin air by the DGSI, despite for at least 10 months being followed, tracked and under surveillance 24/24 in my vehicle, my residence, spied upon even in my own bed.

For more than 14 months i understand that it's my political opinions and my participation with the kurdish forces of YPG in the struggle against Daech that they try to criminalize.

For more than 14 months they accuse 7 persons, who don't even all know one another, of being a criminal association.

For more than 14 months, i have answered the questions of a judge using the same insidious techniques as the DGSI: manipulation, decontextualisation, omission, and invention of words and actions in the attempt to influence answers.

For more than 14 months, i endure the provocations of this same judge who, while i'm rotting in the cages of the Republic, dares to say this case is a waste of his time in the fight against terrorism. Even worse, he dares the most unacceptable insult by refering to the barbarians of the Islamic State as my « friends from Daech ». Although it's only spoken words, it's still an incredible violent act. It's inadmissible that this judge takes the right to insult me in this manner, slanders me, and spits on the memory of my comrades and friends, kurdish, arabs, assyrians, turkmen, aermanians, turks and internationals fallen in the fight against this organization. I remain to this day scandalized!

For more than 14 months, this partial [biased] investigation has seen the judge, contrary to his role, only building a case against, and never in defense. He does not even consider what falls out of the pre-established scenario and only serves to validate a fake personality formed from A to Z by the DGSI, which is far from representing me and only reflects the paranoid fantasies of this political police. Thus, they always present me as « the charismatic leader » despite any non-horizontal mode of organization is contrary to my egalitarian principles.

For more than 14 months, i've been imprisoned without a trial and i've faced terrible conditions: life in isolation (see my letters from March and June 2021) is considered "white torture", an inhumane or degrading treatment by several instances of human rights.

For more than 14 months, i've been buried alive in an infernal and permanent solitude without anyone to talk to, just being able to contemplate the crumbling of my intellectual capacity and the degradation of my physical state, and all of that without benefiting from any psychological support.

After giving under fakely-neutral pretenses some fallacious arguments to the prison administration to ensure i would remain in isolation, the judge asks for rejecting my demand to be released, just like the national anti-terrorist parquet [tribunal]. To this end, they take in almost copy/paste the report from DGSI dated February 7th 2020, the basis for all this case, whose information we don't know where they come from and whose veracity has not been demonstrated. We're entitled to wonder what use were the taps, the surveillance, the microphones, and these two years of investigation since the facts that debunk DGSI's dishonest construction are hidden.

The national anti-terrorist parquet and the judge never cease to try and instill confusion and create conflation with islamic terrorists, although they know quite well i have fought against the Islamic State, for example during the liberation of Raqqa, where the attacks of November 13th [2015] had been planned.

The judge pretends to fear that i inform imaginary people of my situation, despite this situation being public notably because the DGSI or the anti-terrorist parquet themselves have leaked the information from the very first day. It pretends in this manner to prevent any pressure on witnesses, victims and their families, all the while there are no witness, no victim because there is no act. This is crazy. He also mentions his fear of a coordination between the people investigated in this case, even though all these other co-accused have been freed, he has not interrogated anyone beside me since october 2021, and that i waited patiently for him to finish questioning me to push forward my request for liberation.

I could be comical in other circumstances to witness the use of ordinary facts of life in a criminal case against someone such as: enjoying my right to circulate freely across France and Europe, my lifestyle, my political opinions, my sports practices, my taste for militant rap or kurdish music.

The judge attacks my mom by designating her as not being a valid guarantee [that i will not flee], for the simple reason she did not prevent her 33 year-old son to join the Kurdish forces of YPG in the fight against Daech. Once again, it's my participation in this conflict that's being criminalized. They also reproach her to use encrypted apps (Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram...) like millions of people do in France. Finally, he refuses an entire bloc of all other options for guarantees (work, housing...) without having anything to criticize, despite the SPIP [prison and conditional-freedom administration] workers whose job it is, have rendered a positive opinion.

How then can we understand that after asking for investigation of the possibility to free me have underlined the possibility of me wearing an electronic tag, the judge of Freedom and Detention despite this report refuses to implement it? We are many people witnessing in this case that « justice » violates its own laws and is subdued to the political agenda of the DGSI.

I recently learned from the same director of detention in the prison of Bois d'Arcy, who i thank for being honest, that my imprisonment and keeping in isolation were decided from the first day by very high-ranked people and no matter what i say and no matter what he says or do, nothing would change, this is above him, the requests won't even be read and i will remain in isolation and nothing will ever change before the presidential elections [spring 2022].

Since they try to criminalize militants who fought with the Kurds against Daech,

Since they use pre-trial detention in the goal of punishing political opinions,

Since this case only exists for the aim of political manipulation,

Since today they leave me with the only perspective of the slow destruction of my being,

I am declaring i am on hunger strike since sunday february 27th 2022 at 6pm. At this time i only ask for my immediate liberation, before i can prove [in front of a tribunal] the fallacious side of this shameful accusation.

Libre Flot.

Because our friend Libre Flot still rots in isolation for more than 14 months and he chose to strike back with a hunger strike, let's not leave him alone in this dirty political game. It's now that it's necessary to show our support, by spreading his word and by any means possible!

We will not wait without reaction for the next elections so that they finally free him!


Below, a quick translation of the article:

This sunday february 27t, our friend Libre Flot [free flow] has decided to start a hunger strike while he is still imprisoned and held in isolation in the prison of Bois d'Arcy. We share a communique from him, to share widely.


For more than 14 months i have refuted this infamous and defamatory accusation of criminal/terrorist association.

For more than 14 months, the DGSI [secret services] has told me i was not arrested for what they wanted me to believe, that is my involvement with the armed kurdish forces against Daech in Rojava.

For more than 14 months, nothing validates the theory elaborated out of thin air by the DGSI, despite for at least 10 months being followed, tracked and under surveillance 24/24 in my vehicle, my residence, spied upon even in my own bed.

For more than 14 months i understand that it's my political opinions and my participation with the kurdish forces of YPG in the struggle against Daech that they try to criminalize.

For more than 14 months they accuse 7 persons, who don't even all know one another, of being a criminal association.

For more than 14 months, i have answered the questions of a judge using the same insidious techniques as the DGSI: manipulation, decontextualisation, omission, and invention of words and actions in the attempt to influence answers.

For more than 14 months, i endure the provocations of this same judge who, while i'm rotting in the cages of the Republic, dares to say this case is a waste of his time in the fight against terrorism. Even worse, he dares the most unacceptable insult by refering to the barbarians of the Islamic State as my « friends from Daech ». Although it's only spoken words, it's still an incredible violent act. It's inadmissible that this judge takes the right to insult me in this manner, slanders me, and spits on the memory of my comrades and friends, kurdish, arabs, assyrians, turkmen, aermanians, turks and internationals fallen in the fight against this organization. I remain to this day scandalized!

For more than 14 months, this partial [biased] investigation has seen the judge, contrary to his role, only building a case against, and never in defense. He does not even consider what falls out of the pre-established scenario and only serves to validate a fake personality formed from A to Z by the DGSI, which is far from representing me and only reflects the paranoid fantasies of this political police. Thus, they always present me as « the charismatic leader » despite any non-horizontal mode of organization is contrary to my egalitarian principles.

For more than 14 months, i've been imprisoned without a trial and i've faced terrible conditions: life in isolation (see my letters from March and June 2021) is considered "white torture", an inhumane or degrading treatment by several instances of human rights.

For more than 14 months, i've been buried alive in an infernal and permanent solitude without anyone to talk to, just being able to contemplate the crumbling of my intellectual capacity and the degradation of my physical state, and all of that without benefiting from any psychological support.

After giving under fakely-neutral pretenses some fallacious arguments to the prison administration to ensure i would remain in isolation, the judge asks for rejecting my demand to be released, just like the national anti-terrorist parquet [tribunal]. To this end, they take in almost copy/paste the report from DGSI dated February 7th 2020, the basis for all this case, whose information we don't know where they come from and whose veracity has not been demonstrated. We're entitled to wonder what use were the taps, the surveillance, the microphones, and these two years of investigation since the facts that debunk DGSI's dishonest construction are hidden.

The national anti-terrorist parquet and the judge never cease to try and instill confusion and create conflation with islamic terrorists, although they know quite well i have fought against the Islamic State, for example during the liberation of Raqqa, where the attacks of November 13th [2015] had been planned.

The judge pretends to fear that i inform imaginary people of my situation, despite this situation being public notably because the DGSI or the anti-terrorist parquet themselves have leaked the information from the very first day. It pretends in this manner to prevent any pressure on witnesses, victims and their families, all the while there are no witness, no victim because there is no act. This is crazy. He also mentions his fear of a coordination between the people investigated in this case, even though all these other co-accused have been freed, he has not interrogated anyone beside me since october 2021, and that i waited patiently for him to finish questioning me to push forward my request for liberation.

I could be comical in other circumstances to witness the use of ordinary facts of life in a criminal case against someone such as: enjoying my right to circulate freely across France and Europe, my lifestyle, my political opinions, my sports practices, my taste for militant rap or kurdish music.

The judge attacks my mom by designating her as not being a valid guarantee [that i will not flee], for the simple reason she did not prevent her 33 year-old son to join the Kurdish forces of YPG in the fight against Daech. Once again, it's my participation in this conflict that's being criminalized. They also reproach her to use encrypted apps (Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram...) like millions of people do in France. Finally, he refuses an entire bloc of all other options for guarantees (work, housing...) without having anything to criticize, despite the SPIP [prison and conditional-freedom administration] workers whose job it is, have rendered a positive opinion.

How then can we understand that after asking for investigation of the possibility to free me have underlined the possibility of me wearing an electronic tag, the judge of Freedom and Detention despite this report refuses to implement it? We are many people witnessing in this case that « justice » violates its own laws and is subdued to the political agenda of the DGSI.

I recently learned from the same director of detention in the prison of Bois d'Arcy, who i thank for being honest, that my imprisonment and keeping in isolation were decided from the first day by very high-ranked people and no matter what i say and no matter what he says or do, nothing would change, this is above him, the requests won't even be read and i will remain in isolation and nothing will ever change before the presidential elections [spring 2022].

Since they try to criminalize militants who fought with the Kurds against Daech,

Since they use pre-trial detention in the goal of punishing political opinions,

Since this case only exists for the aim of political manipulation,

Since today they leave me with the only perspective of the slow destruction of my being,

I am declaring i am on hunger strike since sunday february 27th 2022 at 6pm. At this time i only ask for my immediate liberation, before i can prove [in front of a tribunal] the fallacious side of this shameful accusation.

Libre Flot.

Because our friend Libre Flot still rots in isolation for more than 14 months and he chose to strike back with a hunger strike, let's not leave him alone in this dirty political game. It's now that it's necessary to show our support, by spreading his word and by any means possible!

We will not wait without reaction for the next elections so that they finally free him!


The updated demands:

    So, NVIDIA, the choice is yours! Either:

    –Officially make current and all future drivers for all cards open source, while keeping the Verilog and chipset trade secrets... well, secret


    –Not make the drivers open source, making us release the entire silicon chip files so that everyone not only knows your driver's secrets, but also your most closely-guarded trade secrets for graphics and computer chipsets too!


Will this be the only way to achieve decent hardware support cross-platform? Can't wait for someone to take AMD/Intel managers hostage ;-)

BTW not sure why these people are called cyber-criminals. Sounds like cyber-heroes to me... I mean i don't agree with their motivation (cryptocurrency mining) but they're doing what government regulations should have done a long time ago, which is preventing hardware manufacturers from fucking up life for everyone. (or at least they're trying)


cross-posted from:

Version longue en français:

Several ISPs in France have started censoring via their DNS resolver.

Why are they doing this? I guess officially they'll say it's because of Russian propaganda about Ukraine, and that's partially correct.

But also worth pointing out is that despite very uncritical propaganda from the regime about what happens in Russia, RT is one of the only mass media (non-independent publication) where you can have decent news about social uproar in France (gilets jaunes, anti-police-abuse riots, etc).

We haven't reached the point where posts to RT are censored on social media (where it's most popular) so i can't exactly say we have "one side" to the news yet but it's getting closer.

This message is both a fuck you to french ISPs engaging in censorship (remember Sci-Hub? TPB?) and a reminder to all the Putin fanboys around here what "there's only one side to the news" really means: Russia is already there (there's a few independent publications but they've been struggling for years with State censorship and journalist assassinations) and France is getting closer (on the other side of the narrative). The rest of you who live in countries with more free speech can't even realize what information control means so please don't take these words lightly.


Version longue en français:

Several ISPs in France have started censoring via their DNS resolver.

Why are they doing this? I guess officially they'll say it's because of Russian propaganda about Ukraine, and that's partially correct.

But also worth pointing out is that despite very uncritical propaganda from the regime about what happens in Russia, RT is one of the only mass media (non-independent publication) where you can have decent news about social uproar in France (gilets jaunes, anti-police-abuse riots, etc).

We haven't reached the point where posts to RT are censored on social media (where it's most popular) so i can't exactly say we have "one side" to the news yet but it's getting closer.

This message is both a fuck you to french ISPs engaging in censorship (remember Sci-Hub? TPB?) and a reminder to all the Putin fanboys around here what "there's only one side to the news" really means: Russia is already there (there's a few independent publications but they've been struggling for years with State censorship and journalist assassinations) and France is getting closer (on the other side of the narrative). The rest of you who live in countries with more free speech can't even realize what information control means so please don't take these words lightly.


Dear Lemmy, as you may well be aware, racial hierarchies and colonial empires are doing good in these early 2020s. In particular, in the days of the war in Ukraine, it's important to point out the fascist tendencies at play.

Fascism and racial/cultural hierarchies are on the rise on every continent, from Turkey to Brasil, to China, to France, to India... Fuck all Nations! Destroy all borders, and long live autonomous Communes!

On the Ukraine side of things, there's a bunch of neo-nazis in the army, as well as more traditional nationalists/fascists. It's not exactly a secret, and the former president was very close to these circles:

Photo montage with ukrainian neo-nazis

On the Russian side of things, there's also a bunch of neo-nazis in the army as well as traditional nationalists/fascists. It's not exactly a secret either:

Russian military officer with a nazi eagle

Both governments have long fought against popular movements and anarchist/antifascist networks. Both countries have neo-nazi/fascist militias parading down the streets and beating/killing random people. Just like France or USA have them too.

Don't trust me? Check out the wikipedia page on neo-nazism. Follow their sources and make yourself an opinion. It's very instructive, although very incomplete. I definitely recommend to check out the Racism in Ukraine and Racism in Russia pages, too.

Please remember that when you try to paint one side of a conflict as the good anti-nazi hero. Nazis are fucking everywhere. Fascists and nazis have been running the show in much of the world even after WWII ended. Nazi collaborators were responsible for France's war against the algerian people, and their grandchildren (spiritual or biological) are responsible for today's new repression, wars and genocides.

We need to dismantle nazism and fascism at its root: the nation State and cultural supremacy. Yes, you should be proud of your local culture and land. No, that does not justify diminishing other cultures/lands.

All we exploited/struggling people have to stand in solidarity with other people struggling for freedom and equality across the planet. No border divides us in the international socialist/anarchist movement. We will fight against all Empires for autonomous communities worldwide!

PS: If you need more detailed resources on neo-nazi/neo-fascist/nationalist/traditionalist on the rise in a specific country/region, feel free to ask. There are chances i have some good articles/documentaries, and if not i've got ideas about who to ask.

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