Yogthos is always here to provide the shittiest of takes and the most phallical of fallacies.
I can give you a shit take if you want one, but I don’t have shiitake mushrooms.
looks at job board
WTF this article talking about
I’m against banning topics in school. Who is arguing for a libertarian shit hole? “People philosophize and debate”, I’m sure you are talking people crying on Twitter.
So is calling a white person a “colonizer” okay?
You’re literally arguing for Orwellian tactics. Censorship and quelling dissent with violence. Who gets to decide? You? What if I view something as hate speech and you don’t? Is it hate speech?
Collective freedom? So tyranny by democracy? Which will inevitably be tyranny by the majority of an ever increasing minority.
Found the PM/TPM. The best software was written without Agile and PMs/TPMs. It’s only after software becomes successful that the need is felt for that stuff.
The world runs on open source software and I don’t know of a single open source project that uses Agile or PMs/TPMs.
If freedom is slavery then what system works according to you?
I guess because Lemmy is getting so many more active users after twitter and Reddit fallouts that some of the qualities that it used to have regarding are being drown out.
You underestimate the commonality of brutal dating scene, bad patenting, and loneliness. People are shelling out for those apps.
It actually makes me complain more. At first I thought it was a magical black box of wizardry only Einstein level geniuses could make and now I realize it’s a crapload of bad architecture piled on garbage frameworks.