How does Kobo work? Do you get to download files, or only access via some app?
Agreed. They're pretty much relegated to a once in a while treat
What are examples of decent acoustic guitars to look for used?
Dang. Is this brought to us from the same people who believe washing your asscrack makes you gay?
I appreciate the additional info. Since I want to make Linux primary (one of my two main points in this little project is getting familiar with Linux!), I'll look into Luks for that partition
The db2 / vm suggestion is a little over my head, currently, but I'll research that as well!
Eh, low hanging, pandering humor. Perfect for syndication
Honestly I've been away from Windows long enough that it just wasn't a consideration while I was creating the partitions and then the dual boot. I just discovered that it'd happened when I went to access the shared partition in pop and was asked for the password.
I do want to retain a shared data partition between the two OS, however. Obvs the partition for the Window OS itself could remain encrypted, since that doesn't affect pop os. And if it is best practice for system security.
I'll read up that link to see what he has to recommend!
Thank you! I think part of what I'm curious to hear input on is whether I should disable bitlocker for that shared data partition. Any thoughts? Is it a best practice to have it on?
Obviously suicide. But the question is, how did he rent the hydraulic jack? It'd have to be anonymously, since he was on the run, right? Did he use a fake id or something?
We need more of you in our society
The Laura Secord brand was fire
(ymmv. I was a kid)