Thanks! Couldn't be bothered to look it up :)
In that case, let's hope he's an absolutely incompetent idiot who will fail fast and spectacularly or an old guy who will die fast, so that when he's gone people all agree that this wasn't a great political experiment and all join in together to rebuild the political system much better than before.
Cuphead will now be renamed to whatever the cup from Beauty and the Beast was called.
If the amount of money you save that way is larger than what you'd earn in the time it takes you to create new accounts and the time you spend for refueling at 3-4 gas stations than it would if you'd only hit one, then go for it.
And don't forget the fuel it takes you to get to the next station.
For me it wouldn't be worth it, but if you have more time than money, go for it.
It sucks a lot when people are so deep in their petty trench fights over brands that they think there is only "Me for this, You for that, You simp".
I don't care about Epic and neither do I care for Steam. I buy my games where I get them the cheapest: Key resellers. And I don't care on which online store the cheapest price lands.
If I was still developing games, I'd deploy them on both or on the one who pays me the most for an exclusivity deal.
With that out of the way: I am only explaining simple backgrounds to people interested to listen.
But sadly so many people fight over an online shop as if it was politics.
Do you fight like that for your favourite online retailer? Or your favourite supermarket chain?
What Steam and Epic do is business. They are no charities. They do stuff that makes them money. So any sane user should see it as a business transaction and buy where the price is best for what you get.
If you have the time to do that, it would probably work at first until the staff recognizes you and either doesn't let you repeat that move or even outright bans you from purchasing there.
No further trouble expected, but don't expect this to work for long for you.
Aus meiner Erfahrung scheitern Quereinsteiger oft daran, dass sie nichts zum Vorzeigen haben. Das müssen aber nicht Abschlüsse sein.
Wenn du ein cooles Projekt bastelst und auf Github stellst, oder bei irgendeinem Projekt auf Github mitarbeitest, erhöht das deine Chancen enorm. Muss nix Großes oder Geniales sein. Es muss nur irgendwas sein, das zeigt, du siehst ein Problem und kannst dir eine Lösung dafür basteln.
Quelle: Ich war oft genug auf der anderen Seite des Bewerbungsprozesses (als technischer Beisitzer) und weiß deswegen, was die Firmen sich wünschen.
Hab gedacht, alle Feuern gerade und wir ITler müssen uns bei den Gehaltsverhandlungen zurückhalten um überhaupt unsre Jobs zu behalten.
Scheinbar doch nicht.
Es braucht viel mehr Armin Wolfs im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Und vielleicht auch weltweit.
If all other executives would earn as much as the guys from Wikipedia, the world would be a better place.
However, the comment I replied to made a pretty universal claim about rulers.
Yeah, universal statements tend to lack nuance.
But especially with the right-wing parties I see quite a bit of malice for the point of personal gain.
And at least in Austria, Germany and the UK the conservatives are so deep into working for personal gain, that they completely forget what would benefit the country and the people.
(I don't have enough deep enough insight into the governments of other countries in Europe to say anything about that, but from what I read, Hungary and Italy are not better off)