Why use versus the Government's official petitions page, where they have to respond if it receives over 10k signatures or debate it in parliament if it receives over 100k signatures?
Thanks for the link! Yeah I assumed they were busy with the other stuff, I'm more curious why Matrix thinks that's the better route to go down now rather than actually finishing Dendrite and then working on P2P etc, especially considering iirc they've said most the difficult parts of the spec are already implemented in Dendrite.
I haven’t read all of this, but why do they insist on using Google? Analytics that are disabled by default and non-Google would probably be fine.
Is it something inherent to Zig that makes Outfieldr faster, or is it just written well? I don’t know much about Zig
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and this websites helps them
That looks like exactly what I want, thank you! Do you know of the ConBee is open source?
My website weighs around 2kB and is written in pure HTML/CSS. You can check out the code on my GitHub
I read the posts he linked to, damn. From noticing a tiny bump in February 2020 to having a ~1 year life expectancy in March 2021, that's awful.
Delta Chat does look really cool. Like you said, it’s client (testing on iOS) is nice. It’s a shame their desktop app is Electron though.
I've been experimenting with the Git bare repository method and I think it solves all my problems! Thanks very much. If I run into issues again, I'll for sure check out GNU Stow.