Darude - Sandstorm
You have "bras" twice in the proverb, it should be "On lui donne le doigt et il nous prend le bras".
A Canadian Space Agency project about detecting life on Mars. My contribution was minuscule, as a young naive grad student, but I hope it gets built on over time.
Who throws out a nearly full bag of chips?! They're like 6$ here in Canada!
I can't remember if it's mentioned in the books, but I think the idea is that Muggle technology stops working in the presence of magic. Guns would jam, electronics would brick, etc.
Granted, this raises the question of where do you draw the line? For example, the magical world has countless exploding substances. What if they took some, stuffed it down a long metal tube, insterted a small metal object in front of it, then set fire to the explosive stuff from the back end? That's basically a gun or cannon, and it's hard to argue that it's technologically complex.
Teaching: That moment when someone's eyes light up and their whole facial expression changes from confusion to understanding. I love the challenge of figuring out how to reach that with each person.
Dancing or working out to my favorite songs: It feels like my body is taken over by the music, and I can keep going endlessly while everything else fades away.
Check out United Way ( They might be able to refer you to places near you that need help!
Helicobacter, like Helicobacter pylori which causes ulcers.
Chin-length layered bob, and also extremely happy with it. I wore my hair about bra strap-length most of my life, but once I went short I never went back. Shorter cuts are much more flattering for my face shape and personality.